Tag Archives: history

Newman Club: Holy Land Collection

During the Easter Triduum, the University Newman Clubs will be collecting donations to support the Christian communities and sacred places of the Holy Land. As we enter the holiest time of the year, it is important to remember our Christian brethren in the Holy Land, who are living and working in the very place of Our Lord’s life, passion, and resurrection. All of the money collected will be used to assist in the preservation and protection of the sacred shrines of the Holy Land, and to assist our fellow Catholics living in the birthplace of Christianity.

If you would like to contribute, cash donations can be given to any Newman Club officer after any of the remaining Holy Week events at CMU, or left at the front desk of the Newman Center. If leaving a donation at the Newman Center, please mark the envelope with “Newman Club Holy Land Collection” or something similar, so we know what it’s for. All monetary donations will be forwarded to St. Paul Cathedral by Steven Kesslar, the Pitt Newman Club VP, on Monday.

In Christ,
Tracy Llenos
CMU Newman Club Secretary

Crucifixion in Vogue Again


NISUS WETTUS: Next. Crucifixion?
NISUS: Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. Next. Crucifixion?
NISUS: Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. Next. Crucifixion?
MR. CHEEKY: Ah, no. Freedom.
NISUS: What?
MR. CHEEKY: Eh, freedom for me. They said I hadn’t done anything, so I could go free and live on an island somewhere.
NISUS: Oh. Oh, well, that’s jolly good. Well, off you go, then.
MR. CHEEKY: Naa, I’m only pulling your leg. It’s crucifixion, really.
NISUS: Oh, ho ho.
MR. CHEEKY: Heh heh heh hehh.
NISUS: I see. Uh, very good. Very good. Well, out of the door. One–
MR. CHEEKY: Yeah. I know the way. Out of the door.
NISUS: Line on–
MR. CHEEKY: One cross each. Line on the left.
NISUS: Line on the left.
MR. CHEEKY: Heh heh.
NISUS: Yes. Thank you. Crucifixion?
NISUS: Good.

From BoingBoing:

"Players who misbehave in the Roman online role-playing game Roma Victor will be punished by having their characters crucified and displayed in public spaces for other players to mock and throw things at….Crucifixion is to be used as a form of player ‘ban’ within the virtual world of Roma Victor, with the length of the ban reflecting the severity of the punishment."

Since When is the Easter Bunny Christian?

I can sort of understand the hubbub that surrounded Christmas trees on municipal property, but this is ridiculous.

"Tyrone Terrill, the human rights director at St. Paul City Hall in Minnesota, has evicted a toy rabbit, colored eggs and a sign with the words ‘Happy Easter’ from the premises. The display, which was in the lobby of the municipal building, was expelled on the grounds that the Easter Bunny might offend non-Christians."

I have a news flash for you Mr. Terill.  The Easter Bunny is pagan in origin.

Investigating NFP: Preface

Recently, all hell broke loose (At least, that’s what I call 100+ comments on a small-time blog like mine!) when one of my contributors wrote a post questioning the Church’s position on NFP. Rather than taking the more common stance that NFP puts undue burden on couples and artificial contraception should be permitted, Lightwave seemed to be suggesting that NFP is on a moral plane with certain artificial methods of birth control. I found myself siding with Lightwave, if not with the same tone or delivery, at least with similar sentiment. Neither of us could not understand how NFP does not frustrate "the procreative potential of the marriage act". Furthermore, the arguments that NFP is somehow not a contraceptive because it is natural and involves the omission of an act, rather than the commission of one, seemed spurious. In order to alleviate my ignorance, I’ve decided to find out what the learned teachers and evangelizers of NFP had to say in defense of the practice. I began with Couple to Couple League International (CCLI). They seemed as competitent in this area as any organization I could find. They are well-known and well-respected.

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On Cartoon Villains

Funky alerted me recently to an article by Annie Gottlieb, an accomplished and interesting author and friend of Ales Rarus, who advertises what purports to be a serious opposition to traditionalism in Towards a New Revelation (or, Why I Am Not a Traditionalist) over on AmbivaBlog. Since this site is frequented by a good many traditionalists, and owned by one (tho’ occasionally I’ve my doubts about that), he thought it might be edifying to here critically examine Ms. Gottlieb’s post. As you might expect, as a traditionalist I beg to differ with her.

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