Monthly Archives: June 2004

Priestesses in the Church?

The aforementioned comments discussion at GetReligion is becoming a battle between those for and against women priests, or at least allowing them as a solution to the priest scandal. *rolls eyes*

I'm with this guy:

Perhaps I'm obtuse, but I'm having trouble seeing a connection between priests who participate in deviant sexual practices and the need for women priests. The latter is unproven as a corrective and lumping the two together under the increasingly meaningless rubric of "justice" does violence to common sense and church tradition….Wooderson

by C. S. Lewis

"I SHOULD LIKE BALLS INFINITELY BETTER', SAID CAROLINE Bingley, 'if they were carried on in a different manner . . It would surely be much more rational if conversation instead of dancing made the order of the day.' 'Much more rational, I dare say,' replied her brother, 'but it would not be near so much like a Ball.' (1) We are told that the lady was silenced: yet it could be maintained that Jane Austen has not allowed Bingley to put forward the full strength of his position. He ought to have replied with a distinguo. In one sense conversation is more rational for conversation may exercise the reason alone, dancing does not. But there is nothing irrational in exercising other powers than our reason. On certain occasions and for certain purposes the real irrationality is with those who will not do so. The man who would try to break a horse or write a poem or beget a child by pure syllogizing would be an irrational man; though at the same time syllogizing is in itself a more rational activity than the activities demanded by these achievements. It is rational not to reason, or not to limit oneself to reason, in the wrong place; and the more rational a man is the better he knows this."

"These remarks are not intended as a contribution to the criticism of Pride and Prejudice. They came into my head when I heard that the Church of England (2) was being advised to declare women capable of Priests' Orders…"

Women, Ordination, and Angels
Michael Novak

"When Dr. George Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, visited Pope John Paul II in May 1992, the two church leaders discussed the probable future ordination of women priests in the Anglican Church. That, the Pope said, 'touched on the very nature of the sacrament of holy orders.' A Vatican spokesman said later that 'the Catholic Church, for fundamental theological reasons, does not believe it has the right to authorize such ordination.'

Catholicity or female priests? Must the choice be made?
Al Kimel

"Is it possible to oppose the pansexual morality of the Episcopal Church and still support the decision of the Episcopal Church to ordain women to the presbyterate and episcopate? Clearly most of those who have committed themselves to the Network and American Anglican Council believe that it is possible. But this has become now a real question for me."

Still Learning

As bloggers go, I’m still basically an infant. I haven’t been doing this very long
and I don’t really associate with the blogging crowd outside of a few sites on my
blogroll. In other words, I’m still learning a lot about this crazy little thing
called blog.

For instance, I’m just now discovering just how important comments are. I don’t
get many, so I suppose it’s understandable that I missed their full worth. Anyhow,
it seems clear that a blog without a comments system is only half a blog.

There is, IMHO, a fascinating discussion going on at GetReligion
about the impact, or lack thereof, of stories about the global priest scandal in
the Dallas Morning News.
There a few folks on my blogroll who I’d love to see weigh in on the issue, including
(but not limited to) Narwen,
Fr. Mike, and
Jeff Miller,

Catholic gun didn’t go off: Silence greets Dallas News series

Once there was a man who lived in a lighthouse on the foggy Atlantic.

That’s the start of a very, very old sermon illustration. I thought of it this past
weekend as I read the first chunks of the sprawling Dallas Morning News reports
on the globalization of the clergy sex-abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church.

Gaudete Semper!

In the midst of all the scandal of Communiongate, abusive priests, and rampant heterodoxy,
it’s important to take note of joyful people, events, and ideas. The
Ryan’s Well Foundation
is one of those.

“I was thirsty and you gave me drink.” Matthew 25:35b

I really need to do more for my fellow man than just complain about behavior that
upsets me.

Do you have a joyful story like Ryan’s to share? If so, share it with us in a comment.

Vote Smart, Vote S-mart. Ya got that?!?

(Pardon the obscure reference to “Army of Darkness”.)

This is a really cool service. It takes a bit of work to use it effectively, but
who ever said responsible citizenship would be easy?

Welcome to Project Vote Smart

Thousands of candidates and elected officials. Who works for you? Who is seeking
your vote? Project Vote Smart, a citizen’s organization, has developed a Voter’s
Self-Defense system to provide you with the necessary tools to self-govern effectively:
abundant, accurate, unbiased and relevant information. As a national library of
factual information, Project Vote Smart covers your candidates and elected officials
in five basic categories: biographical information, issue positions, voting records,
campaign finances and interest group ratings. What would you like to know? Access
our library of information through either the menu on the left hand side or the
links above.

Freedom From Religion?

I don't think it takes a leap of logic to believe that politically correct propaganda, perhaps from the homosexual lobby, wouldn't have been censored like this boy's religious literature was.

Religious Liberty Advocates Defend Fifth-Grade Censorship Victim
By Jim Brown
June 21, 2004

(AgapePress) – A Michigan school is being sued for censoring a fifth-grade student's classroom project because of its religious content.