Tag Archives: sacrilege

Improper Conduct

I am now a former parishoner of my parish.


[A]fter I had received the body and blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in my mouth, and as I was proceeding back to my pew (still with the Body of Christ in my mouth), the women’s ACTS group finished their rendition of “How Great Thou Art.”

Then half of the congregation clapped and catcalled and whistled and cheered.

During the Eucharist.

For the women’s ACTS group.

And that, my friends, was the deal breaker for me and my parish. I can ignore the ritualized clapping after the choir finishes the final song of the Mass. The priest is gone, the tabernacle is sealed, and the Mass is ended. I can even ignore the fact that the choir director is an ageing ex-hippie gal who shakes her butt whenever she uses the tamborine during a song. I wince but don’t walk out when the altar servers walk up to the altar and start grabbing the crystal chalices filled with the Precious Blood and handing them to the deacon. I can deal with the fact that they use crystal for the chalices and for the ciboriums, even though the Bookman and I have been looking into buying some of the less expensive precious metal ones and donating them to the church.

But the fact that a large percentage of the congregation thought it was acceptable, in any way, shape, or form, to applaud a musical performance during the most sacred mystery of the Eucharist . . . that tells me right there that the people at that parish have no clue what the Mass is about. The disrespect staggered me. I actually gasped, just stunned that anyone could possibly think that it was an appropriate time for catcalls and whooping.

I don’t blame this lady for leaving her parish one bit. It’s sad, though, that she
could not have been a force for change. I’m sure it wasn’t for lack of trying.

Village Idiot/Atheist

I wonder what color the sky is in this nut’s fantasy world.

Vinci Code’ Author Left Out Material

Wed May 19, 3:34 PM ET
By KATE McCANN, Associated Press Writer

“CONCORD, N.H. – Though ‘The Da Vinci Code’ was contentious enough to produce
10 books attempting to discredit it, its author said he left out what likely would
have been the most controversial part.”

Round and Round We Go

It seems no matter how hard I try to move on, this topic just keeps coming back.
The repercussions are too important and the exchanges too interesting to ignore.

US politicians
warn of of anti-Catholic hate revival

“48 Catholic members of Congress have signed a letter warning that the church risks
bringing ‘great harm’ on itself if bishops decide to deny Communion to
legislators who support abortion rights or take other public positions that are
odds with church doctrine.”

Life League Response to House Catholics’ Letter to Cardinal McCarrick: Political
Threats Don’t Change Objective Truth, You Can’t Be Catholic

Thu May 20, 1:12 PM ET
Contact: Joseph R. Giganti of of American Life League, 703-928-9695, jgiganti@all.org

“WASHINGTON, May 20 /U.S. Newswire/ — Judie Brown, president of American Life League,
issued the following response to the 48 Catholic members of the U.S. House who sent
a letter warning Theodore Cardinal McCarrick to the political repercussions of withholding
Communion from pro-abortion Catholic politicians:”

Protecting the Faith

Life and the Eucharist are under attack. I think devotion to the latter would help
the former.

Ad Campaign Questions Cardinal’s Coddling of Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians

Thu May 6,10:16 AM ET

To: National Desk
Contact: Joseph R. Giganti of the American Life League, 703-928-9695 or jgiganti@all.org;
Web: http://www.all.org

“WASHINGTON, May 6 /U.S. Newswire/ — Today, American Life League’s Crusade for the
Defense of our Catholic Church launched the first in a new multi-ad campaign that
will engage members of the Catholic Church’s hierarchy who have said they will not
take steps to ensure that pro-abortion Catholic politicians are barred from receiving
Holy Communion. The first ad comes in response to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s
recent disclosure that despite clear indications from the Vatican that pro-abortion Catholic politicians should be denied Communion, he had ‘not
gotten to the stage where I’m comfortable in denying the Eucharist.'”

Abortion Critic’s Ads Target Cardinal

Fri May 7, 1:18 PM ET
By RICHARD N. OSTLING, AP Religion Writer

“American Life League, an outspoken opponent of abortion, has started an advertising
campaign targeting Cardinal Theodore McCarrick over his reluctance to deny Communion
to Roman Catholic politicians who support abortion rights.”

Time for Honesty”

A Pastoral Statement by The Most Reverend John J. Myers,
Archbishop of Newark
May 5, 2004

“Our times demand honesty. It is possible to value sincerely one�s Catholic heritage
and to revere one�s Catholic forebears and yet not to have Catholic faith.”

debate reaches Australia

“Melbourne, May. 03 (CWNews.com) – An Australian prelate has said that ‘public
and notorious’ opposition to Church teachings would be grounds for denying
the Eucharist.”

Not in My Backyard

Bishop Wuerl had better do something about this.

Kerry Takes Communion on Mother’s Day
May 9, 4:59 PM (ET)

"PITTSBURGH (AP) – Democrat John Kerry attended Mother’s Day Mass on Sunday and took communion although some Roman Catholic leaders say he should not receive it because his abortion-rights stance violates church teachings."