Tag Archives: random odd thoughts

Farewell, Dear O

original.jpgOne of my friends told me about the closing of a restaurant in Pittsburgh affectionately known as The O. I meant to blog about it at the time, but put it off because I didn’t quite know what to say. There’s never a good time to say these things, or an easy way to say them, so I’ll just go ahead and speak my mind.

I don’t know if anybody who reads this blog has ever been to The O. I only went once, over a year ago. It was a hot dog place to end all hot dog places. They served hot dogs, hamburgers, assorted sausages, pizza… The list went on and on. It was a operating monument to greasy food. And the fries. Oh, the fries. Plentiful doesn’t begin to describe it. You all probably remember the old McDonald’s Super-Size. Maybe you think it’s pretty big, possibly even too big. But believe me when I tell you that the regular large, not even the X-tra large, dwarfed the Super Size. I hesitate to even compare them. The scale of The O’s large defies description. You really had to see it to believe it. Imagine a regular restaurant’s big basket of fries. Got that in your head? Good. Now take that, and pile fries in it until you’ve got a good six inches. That’s the ballpark I’m talking about here. I sorely doubt any single person could have comfortably eaten it, and isn’t that how much a "large" size should really supply?

Unfortunately, I don’t live anywhere near Pittsburgh. I always knew that my chances of ever getting the chance to go back to The O were slim to nil. But you know, that was okay. I felt better just knowing that it was out there, that bastion of grease and boiling oil holding steady against the salad-mongers who invade our grocery stores by the day.

Alas! I shall miss The O. What could ever replace it?

Who Reads These Things, Anyway?

Do you ever wonder who reads your blog? I do, sometimes. What are they like? How did they come to find this blog, and what keeps them coming back?

I like to imagine that there’s somebody out there who just happened to stumble upon my blog and thought to him/herself, "Well, now. This looks amusing." And then this person went and read through all of the things I posted over the months I’ve kept this blog. It’s flattering, isn’t it? Just think, somebody out there might click on a bookmark or type the URL into their browser simply to find out what I happen to want to talk about today. That’s got to be worth something in our busy 24/7 lives.

So to everybody who takes a moment out to look here for amusement, entertainment, and shelter from prosaic life, I feel compelled to say:

I really must apologize for the disappointment. So sorry.

Gloom and Doom

I learned that today is considered the most depressing day of the year from a news broadcast. Apparently, it’s because today’s the day when people wake up, realize they won’t really make good on all of those New Year’s Resolutions, and life goes on.

You’re kidding me, right? That’s what makes today the most depressing day of the year? If the news is going to go all gloom-and-doom on me, I expect some freakin’ gloom and doom. I mean, seriously! Today’s the most depressing day of the year because people break their stupid resolutions that they probably only made because they were a little drunk and maybe feeling guilty? Please. You want to talk about depressing? Try the day my kindergarten teacher told my class that we could all grow up to do whatever we wanted, and I said that we can’t all be astronauts because they only have room for 5-6 people in the space shuttle. Oh man, talk about an awkward recess…

Beats a Lava Lamp

Has anybody seen the new plasma particle accelerator technology profiled in the February issue of Scientific American? Oh, man. So frickin’ cool! I so want one of these. The thing is super tiny. It fits on a tabletop. a tabletop! Imagine the things I could do with it!

Why didn’t these come out in time for Christmas?I would have asked Santa. I was really good last year! I totally deserved one.

Okay, deep down I know I’d just play with it for a few days, then get bored and stick it in the closet. Maybe I’d pull it out on rainy days and run some high-energy particle experiments. But for now, all I can think about is a shiny new plasma particle accelerator with polarity inversion.

So frickin’ cool.