Monthly Archives: December 2006

Romanists = Boogymen

A Few Rare Pearls

It has often been my complaint that John McArthur was a bit wishy-washy, but he gets real serious, and dare I say, very “fundamental” in this [podcasted sermon] message. If there are any Romanists reading this, you definitely need to hear this message, as pastor McArthur deals with the subject of whether evangelicals should regard Romanists as brothers and sisters in the Faith, or as unbelievers who should be evangelized.

Listen and comment.

Fulton Sheen Live…ish

The late Archbishop Fulton Sheen rocks. I really hope his cause for canonization succeeds.

If you’re a fan of Sheen and can’t get enough of his fantastic Christ-centered orations or just wonder who the heck he was, be sure to check out There you’ll find streaming audio and downloadable mp3s.

Do I Really Have to Love Spammers?

I’m supposed to love my enemies, and spammers are enemies, so I guess I have to love them. Crap. Why, Lord, why? Spammers are so evil. *sigh*

The related problems of spam and splogs have been getting worse recently. I’ve had to up the security ante. Here’s a list of the anti-spam plugins I’m using. If you run a WordPress blog, you might want them, too.

Would it be a sin to maim a spammer or are spammers not really people – like mimes? 😉