Monthly Archives: October 2005

Blogswarm for Katelyn Sills

Perhaps you’ve heard of the Catholic school teacher in Sacramento who was fired for her work at Planned Parenthood. Well, the daughter of the woman who reported the teacher to the administration has a blog. Poor Katelyn has been insulted and threatened by some really awful commenters. It seems diversity of opinion is just fine with Loony Leftists until they encounter ones that clash with their PC fantasy worldview. Moonbats have a better Inquisition than the Church ever had.

I propose that we start a blogswarm supporting Katelyn. Think of it as a distributed "thinking of you" card. 🙂

Don’t forget to leave a trackback!

Addendum 10/26/05: It should be noted that Mrs. Sills did not herself fire Ms. Bain. Acting on her conscience, she passed on information she believed to be relevant to her bishop and he made the decision.

Update 11/02/05: Here’s the text of Bishop Wiegand’s open letter regarding the dismissal.

Wicca Broadcasting

[I’m not sure I can agree with more than about a paragraph of this post, but it’s not offensive, so I’m honoring my promise of free speech to my guest posters. – Funky]

I just happened to flip past Smallville, another remake of the Superman story, on the WB the other night. Three witches were taking the powers of the boy wonder via some powerful spells. It seems to me that Warner Brothers studios is producing more stories and programs with wicca spirituality included. Charmed is on the WB. Harry Potter is on the wide screen. Buffy the Vampire Slayer [I love that show. – Funky] had a few characters who explored witchcraft. Even the movie The Secret Garden had wicca injected into the story.

Of course, the presentation of wicca through the boob tube and the big screen is not new, but it seems like it’s more accepted now. With Joan of Arcadia being replaced with Ghost Whisperer on CBS, my own loathing of the occult (including wicca, demons, and the devil) has become more acute.

What is there to hate? It can be summed up in one statement: "They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone." ( – CCC 2116

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A Red Harriet?

Earlier this month, I sang with the Handle Choir of Baltimore at the Red Mass for The St. Thomas Moore Society of Baltimore at Loyola College. Got to see our Cardinal & Bishop along with judges, priests, lawyers, and others. We prayed that God would guide us in all justice and judicial prudence.

The homilist talked much about how God would eventually be victorious in matters of just law. His main point was in regards to abortion. It was very un-P.C. that he would talk about the subject, especially in the manner he did, but I liked it.

He mentioned that Blacks were once not considered human and that Blacks were not to have the same education as Whites. The Supreme Court and other judges upheld it. Yet eventually, it was overturned. He said in the same way that the abortion issue would return to the states, if not outlawed, overturning yet another decision.

Also, earlier this month Ms. Miers, the president, and other high level officials attended a Red Mass just down I-95 from the one I attended.

Would Harriet vote to overturn Roe? The president alluded to it when he thought Ms. Miers’ religion was an important issue. Is this the case? Is he just trying to get people like me in the general population and in Congress to back her? Who knows?

Unfortunately for pro-life folks like me, I don’t think Bush could get someone into the court socially conservative enough to pass Sen. Spector (R) and the Democrats. Nevertheless, I hope if Harriet’s confirmed she’s the right person for the job.

Does It Really Matter is Harriet Miers Would Overturn Roe v. Wade?

A lot of discussion has ensued over whether Harriet Miers would be a proponent of overturning Roe v. Wade if confirmed to a seat on the Supreme Court. Indeed, for many, this is an extremely important because some see this as the single most important issue a Justice may influence. I believe, however, that those who focus on this issue are doing themselves, Miers, and their country a disservice. It is imperative to realize that the influence of a Justice is farmore sweeping than simply the question of abortion rights.

While not directly criticizing Miers at the moment (I’ll do that later), I believe one must review the overall qualifications and integrity of a Justice long before reviewing philosophy, ideology, and theology, and certainly well before considering the potential Justice’s view on individual issues. Why concern ourselves with these areas, qualifications and integrity, before those which would seem to have a more direct application to decisions and opinions? While philosophy, ideology, and theology may have a much more direct impact on a Justice’s influence, it is my assertion that without well established qualifications and integrity, that we cannot be certain if there will be any consistency to the application of one’s philosophy, ideology, and theology.

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Radio is Dying

By now I'm sure most if not all of you know that Howard Stern is moving to Sirius satellite radio. Whoopee. I'm not a fan of Stern, so I won't miss him. However, that doesn't mean I don't care about what his departure is doing to radio. As a result of the ratings vacuum Stern's move to satellite is leaving, several stations are switching to all-talk formats.


Does FM radio need any more !@#$ talk?! Thanks to Stern's popularity, every rock station has its own cheap imitation of his show. It's a pain is the @$$ trying to find a station with both music I like and a minimum of talk in the morning. My butt is dragging when in the morning and the last thing I want is a bunch of nitwits making fart jokes. Give me good old-fashioned rock! I want to bob my head and tap my toes on the bus, not hear the latest celebrity gossip.

Stern imitators have ruined rock radio in the morning. Now, thanks to Stern's move, things are about to get a lot worse. Several Infinity Broadcasting stations, which currently carry Stern, are switching formats. Some are turning into Jack FM, which is basically a 24-hour broadcast of a college student's iPod Shuffle. Others, like WYSP in Philadelphia, are turning into Free FM, 24-hours of talk. Ugh. WYSP has been playing a mix of modern and classic rock for as long as I can remember. It was never as good as WMMR, but it wasn't crap, either. Now it is. I really hope WRKZ in Pittsburgh doesn't suffer the same fate. They play a decent mix of classic rock, early 90's grunge/alternative, and 80's hair bands. No other station in Da Burgh has a mix like that.

Radio is going down the toilet and Infinity is helping to flush. It's too bad internet stations can't easily broadcast on FM. If you want to hear good rock that's actually mixed and transitioned by talented DJs, I recommend Radio Paradise and Radio Free Colorado.