Tag Archives: food drink

Fat Tax

This makes sense. If we’re going to tax alcohol, cigarettes, and other unhealthy things, we might as well tax fatty foods.

Government unit ‘urges fat tax’

Plans for a tax on fatty foods such as cakes and biscuits are being considered by government advisers.

The Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit is considering increasing duties on some food and having a sports drive to fight obesity, according to the Times.

The newspaper claims a document urges a fatty food tax as a “signal to society” because the number of obese British people has risen sharply in 20 years.

Give Me Beef Or Give Me Death

I really, really, really hate PETA. They bring new meaning to “asinine”.

PETA Urges Hamburg, N.Y., to Change Name

“HAMBURG, N.Y. – A national animal rights group has offered Hamburg officials $15,000 to change the town’s name to Veggieburg.”

PETA urges towns to change name

“HAMBURG, Pennsylvania (AP) — An animal rights group says it will donate $15,000 worth of vegetarian patties to area schools if officials change the borough’s name to Veggieburg. “

Hamburg invited to become ‘Veggieburg’
By Dave Graham

“HAMBURG (Reuters) – The German port of Hamburg has been offered $10,500 to change its name to ‘Veggieburg’ by animal rights activists who are unhappy about the city’s association with hamburgers.”

My DNA Made Me Eat It

It’s not my fault – I was programmed to eat a bucket of KFC at every meal!

What Your Genes Want You to Eat

“A trip to the diet doc, circa 2013. You prick your finger, draw a little blood and send it, along with a $100 fee, to a consumer genomics lab in California. There, it’s passed through a mass spectrometer, where its proteins are analyzed. It is cross-referenced with your DNA profile. A few days later, you get an e-mail message with your recommended diet for the next four weeks. It doesn’t look too bad: lots of salmon, spinach, selenium supplements, bread with olive oil. “