Tag Archives: eucharist

True Worship

“True worship, whether vocal or silent, is offering one’s self to God = body, mind and soul – for the doing of His will. The fruit of worship is an increasing awareness of the Inward Light [i.e. the Holy Spirit], an experience of God’s love and a fresh understanding of the two great commandments: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’ (Luke 10:27)”

“‘As many candles lighted and put in one place do greatly augment the light, and make it more to shine forth, so when many are gathered together into the same life there is more of the glory of God, and His power appears to the refreshment of each individual, for each partakes not only of the light and life raised in himself, but in all the rest.’ – Robert Barclay”

– Faith and Practice (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1972)

“Participation in the communal celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is a testimony of belonging and of being faithful to Christ and to his Church. The faithful give witness by this to their communion in faith and charity. Together they testify to God’s holiness and their hope of salvation. They strengthen one another under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.” – Catechism of the Catholic Church 2182

Out of Line?

Fr. Hamilton at Catholic Ragemonkey has posted an interesting anecdote about a non-Catholic who tried to receive Holy Communion from him. While I agree with most of his points, something he said at the end disturbed me.

"[T]he line for Holy Communion is only for those actually receiving Holy Communion…[and] is not for blessings of kids or RCIA people or non-Catholic visitors, but only for the reception of Holy Communion."

I do not understand why those wishing to make an act of spiritual communion should be discouraged from seeking a blessing. Actually, I don't see why anyone should be discouraged from entering the communion line, so long as they are respectful and reverent. Any thoughts?

Pencils Down

This one one irks me. An
archbishop in Brisbane, Australian has spoken out against what he calls “spying
in church”
. He wants people to stop taking notes of liturgical abuses.
To a certain extent, I understand where he’s coming from. Sacrifice and worship
should be the focus of the mass, not keeping track of every little thing done not
quite right. However, I can’t agree with his insistence that all note-taking stop.
If their weren’t abuses to report, people wouldn’t need to take notes. If nobody
takes notes, abuses go unreported. If abuses go unreported, the Eucharist may continue
to be desecrated and the Church disobeyed.

It’s ironic that this archbishop would squelch note-taking in order to restore focus
to the Eucharist, but that very squelching could lead to the improper handling of
that same Eucharistic worship. Redemptionis Sacramentum was written for a
reason – there were abuses to be corrected. I’ve witnessed first-hand the apparent
ignorance of, or perhaps apathy towards, that document in parishes. In those places,
it’s up to the faithful remnant of the laity to report abuses to the Church. How
else will they be corrected?

Civic Duty

[In response to Bishop Wuerl's weak stance against pro-choice "Catholic" politicians, Shaun Pierce wrote the following letter. He has yet to receive a reply. – Funky]

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