Tag Archives: oddities

Accidental Conversation

Sometimes the headlines that appear in the Findory box at the bottom of this blog
almost look like lines in a conversation. Here’s one from yesterday:

Prydain: “Father
of 9/11 hijacker: 50-year religious war coming”

Relapsed Catholic: “Are
dancing midgets involved?”

Connexions: “I
canna change the laws of physics”

I couldn’t help but giggle and though you folks might enjoy giggling, too. 😀

Silliness Abounds

Here's a photo spread that'll give you nightmares: Bill Gates posing for Teen Beat in 1983.

Here's a new JibJab video that'll make you giggle: Second Term. On a side note, it must be nice to have a widely read geek publications singing your praises whenever you release a new short.

This one just makes me scratch my head and say "What the…? Sim blogging. (Thanks, smedley)

Microsoft Hit Wizard! R&B Edition – funny, sad, and true. (Thanks, Tasty Blog)