Tag Archives: oddities

Plants Fart?

I tend to be a bit of an environmentalist (conservationist, really), but I have my limits. For instance, I’m not ready to conclude that global warming is a) a unique phenomenon separate from cyclical climate changes, and b) if it is, that human activity is mostly to blame for it. I have an open mind about global warming, and a big reason is my scientific education. I can’t look at the data (especially since it’s way out of my field of expertise) and confidently state points a and b. Mankind simply hasn’t been keeping climate records long enough for us to be certain that we’re ruining the planet. I should point out, though, that it’s better to be safe than sorry. There’s nothing wrong with being responsible stewards. Also, based on the evidence, I cannot conclusively dismiss not-a or not-b.

Now, having made my position clear (I hope), check this article out. Apparently, unbeknownst to scientists until recently, plants emit methane. In fact, they seem to emit quite a bit; current estimates range from 10 to 30 percent of the yearly global methane budget (between 62 and 236 Teragrams). For a breakdown of the budget (that doesn’t include the new findings, of course), go here. If I’ve calculated correctly, humans account for about 120 Tg CH4 per year. IOW, plants might be just as bad as humanity. Worse yet, planting trees to absorb nasty gases might be backfiring if trees and other plants are putting out that much methane. It’ll be very interesting to see if these results stand up to scrutiny, and if they do, how rabid "Hug a tree" lefties and "Earth first; we’ll stripmine the other planets later" righties will spin them.

Blak Schmak

caffeine.jpgI’ve noticed some of the blogs I read getting excited about Coke Blak. It’s a coffee-infused soda that Coca-Cola will be bringing to various markets in 2006. People are talking about it like it’s a new thing that nobody’s tried. They’re wrong. Those of us who lived in the Philly area between 1994 and 1996 remember Pepsi Kona. To geeks, for whom soda and coffee are staple foods and caffeine is a vitamin, it seemed like the greatest idea since sliced bread. Boy were we wrong. It was disgusting. Revolting. Putrid. If Coke Blak sucks, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Update 10/18/06:I tried Blak a couple months ago. It’s drinkable, but certainly not good enough to justify the high price, especially when it comes in dinky 8 oz. bottles.

Religious Porn Redux

This sleaze reminds me of Alberto Magliozzi’s tasteless calendar and Danuta Nieznalska’s blasphemous "art". (Fedora Tip: Pyromaniac)

"A German Protestant youth group has put together a 2006 calendar illustrated with erotic scenes from the Bible."

"The 12 re-enacted passages feature a bare-breasted Delilah cutting Samson’s hair and a nude Eve offering an apple."

"The Nuremberg-based group said they wanted to represent the Bible in a way that would entice young people. "


Rub the New Buddha?

Apparently, there’s a new Buddha on the block. (Fedora Tip: Say What Now?)

"Thousands of pilgrims are pouring into the dense jungle of southern Nepal to worship a 15-year-old boy who has been hailed as a new Buddha."

"Devotees claim that Ram Bomjon, who is silently meditating beneath a tree, has not eaten or drunk anything since he sat down at his chosen spot six months ago."

"Witnesses say they have seen light emanating from the teenager’s forehead."

"’It looks a bit like when you shine a torch through your hand,’…."

Well, I can’t say whether he’s another Buddha or not, but I can point out that humans do indeed emit light from their foreheads.

Have Unborn, Will Travel

babyonboard.gifThis should be interesting. A woman was ticketed for driving in an HOV lane in Phoenix, Arizona with only her unborn son as a passenger. She’s fighting the ticket in court. (Fedora Tip: PowerBlog!)

"I understand the reasoning for the HOV lane. But whether my son is in a car seat versus in my stomach, I don’t get it. It’s the same thing." – Candace Dickinson