Tag Archives: homosexuality

Sins of the Fathers

There’s been a lot of buzz in the Catholic blogosphere (blogohemisphere? hemiblogosphere?) about a homosexual couple who enrolled their adopted sons into kindergarten at a Costa Mesa Catholic school. Apparently, parents of some of the other students are having a conniption over this and demanding that only Catholics in good standing be allowed to enroll children in St. John the Baptist School.

Not all of the parents oppose the enrollments and one of them, John Stephens, says most of what I’m thinking.

"As for a moral covenant solution, I just think that most parents in school, if not all of them, are sinners in a lot of ways. I certainly don’t want my kids’ admission into the school to be based on my morality."

"These kids are baptized Catholics, so they’re entitled, therefore, to be members of our parish, which includes going to our school. No one suggested the kids did anything wrong, so I don’t see how anyone could exclude them from the school. Even if you took the position that homosexuality is a bad thing, logically you would want the kids to get a good Catholic education so they could eventually get exposure to the faith on the issue of homosexuality."

Let us suppose that the punishment for the sins of the father should be visited upon the son. Is homosexuality more wrong than adultery? Than contraception? Than abortion? Than taking the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin? Homosexual acts are but one small part of the sin of lust. What of the other six capital sins? Surely nearly every parent of a child at that school is guilty of one or more of them. Should their kids be kicked out? Heaven forbid!

However, the truth is that everyone is responsible for his/her own sins. This was established before Jesus came and pointed out the message of love the Jews had been blind to.

"Yet you say, ‘Why should not the son suffer for the iniquity of the father?’ When the son has done what is lawful and right, and has been careful to observe all my statutes, he shall surely live. The soul that sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself." – Ezekiel 18:19-20

These children have a decent chance of learning the teachings of the Church through their Catholic education, perhaps even witnessing to their parents against homosexuality.

Or at least they had a decent chance until their story made news. Heaven only knows how this will scar them. How many reporters will harass them? How many classmates will torment them? How many parents will look down at them? How many lawsuits might they have to endure? May the Lord bless them and keep them.

The Natural Function of Marriage

Natural functions and marriage

Over at MarriageDebate.com Maggie Gallagher has been dealing with one of the standard arguments for "gay marriage", that there can't be an essential connection between marriage and procreation because after all 70-year-old women are allowed to marry even though they can't have babies. Miss Gallagher handles the question very well, but there's a lurking point worth bringing out.

This was a hot topic in a previous debate in my comments. Jim Kalb at Turnabout answers this common argument.

Ad (Non)Sense

[I’m a big fan of giving a voice to those who lack a forum, so here’s another piece by Shaun Pierce. In response to an ad in The Pittsburgh Catholic opposing single-issue voting, he wrote the following. – Funky]

Strangling Ourselves
By Shaun Pierce

Is anyone steering the Catholic ship? Or are we all dancing in the ballroom while the ice burg floats dead ahead?

After learning about the ad that ran in the Pittsburgh Catholic newspaper, words cannot begin to describe how disappointed, disgusted and abandoned I feel by some of my Catholic brothers and sisters right now. The ad teamed up local priests, the Association of Pittsburgh Priests and other so-called "Catholics" in what amounted to a "read between the lines" endorsement of. Sen. John Kerry.

My entire life, I have been taught moral right and wrong through the Roman Catholic Church.  We have seen evidence of a "do as I say, not as I do" mentality, but now that has been reduced to telling the faithful they don’t even have to do as the church or Christ says.

I have often wondered how one could be in Catholic leadership and not scream the teaching of the church over the noise of the world. Yet I can see how one could be hesitant these days knowing those around you would not support you and may even censure you. Stand against homosexuality and you are a bigot. Vote pro-life and you are narrow-minded. Call yourself a Catholic and some wonder if you are even a Christian.

If you peer though the stained glass windows of the Catholic Church today you might wonder what they are stained with. It used to be the blood of Christ but it seems to have been replaced with a social gospel that overwrites the salvation message. Or maybe it’s ecumenism that transforms the church into a generic faith with little or no difference from any other religion.

The Catholic Church is under attack from the inside out. Forget "Catholic Bashing" if you give us some time we will strangle ourselves with our own hands. Without teaching and upholding basic truths, it’s no wonder many have lost their faith in the Catholic Church and in some cases, Christ himself. We are propagating our own extinction!

Just because you slap a "Catholic" label on something does not mean the world must bow. Yet the Catholic church and in particular Bishop Wurel seem to do just that. I, as a Roman Catholic, am required to accept the authority of the Bishop. However, I’m also free to respectfully ask questions of him.

Like why he would engage in dialogue with the Association of Pittsburgh Priests, a group that constantly and publicly opposes the Vatican on issues of ordaining women, homosexuality and married clergy? Or why the Masonic headquarters in Ross Twp. was built on property owned by the North Side Catholic Cemetery? Or why was it that a so-called "catholic" homosexual group used two Catholic parishes? Or why was it that St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Cathedral was the location for the consecration of Rev. William Duncan as Bishop of the EPISCOPAL DIOCESE?

I sent a letter to Bishop Wuerl on May 26th of this year asking him to explain why Catholic politicians who support legalized abortion should not be denied Holy Communion. I have yet to get any response.

We sit with a puzzled look wondering why Catholic School enrollment is declining? Yet a deaf ear is turned to parents who voice concerns over the abandonment of spiritual teaching.  Even as adults that teaching is pushed aside of new age ideas, put your conscience above the word of God and let’s blend all religion into one.

Don’t misunderstand me; this is not an attack on the Catholic Church. I believe the teachings of the Church are the teachings of Christ himself. The written and official stance of the Church is correct. The problem is our Shepard’s have left the field and told the sheep "you are on your own".

I’m some sure some will ask. "Then why remain Catholic?" The answer to that is simple. If a baby has a dirty diaper do you throw out the baby? No, you change it. This election has brought into the light a much bigger question then who will lead our country. The question is who is leading our spiritual life? There are some who have proved they should not be in any church leadership role. If only we could vote them out of office!

My heart breaks for all good and faithful Catholics who seek to be true servants of Christ. We are in a desperate battle for our faith and identity against ungodly education, homosexual advocacy, destruction of schools and parishes, sex scandals, ecumenism, multi-centralism, married clergy, politics, money and the consistent attack of the Faith from inside the church. God have mercy on those who seek to lead the faithful astray.

Christian Bigotry

A friend of mine and semi-frequent comment poster has asked me numerous times to
stop posting “anti-gay stuff”. This Sed
post might interest him. The blogger at SC is David Morrison, author
of Beyond Gay. He lives with same-sex attraction, but does not accept or
advocate the gay lifestyle. His most recent post, about the proper Christian response
to homosexuals, relates to Sunday’s Gospel

I care about this so much because I wouldn’t be Christ’s today if it were not for
the friendship and love of the Christians in my first Anglican parish, people who
knew I was a gay activist, didn’t agree with me about gay sex, and loved me anyway.
They knew I had homosexual sex and that I believed it was fine – and they disagreed
with me. But they nevertheless invited me to their cookouts, car washes, sporting
events, school plays, pot lucks – the whole joyful, chaotic mess of parish and family
life and as our friendships deepened they showed me they loved me.

And they told me their stories too. They told me about their own past drug use,
their own previous abortions, their own prior womanizing, and their own previous
struggles with the Faith and its demands. In short, they made it clear to me that
the church universal is a hospital for sinners far more than it is a penthouse for


"Mawwage. Mawwage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah…So tweasuwe youw wove,…" – The Impressive Clergyman

Today I watched a beautiful Ukrainian Catholic Divine Liturgy in which my friend, and occasional cohort in blogging crime, Jerry Nora, entered into the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. I wish him and his wife, Krystia, all the happiness in the world. May God bless them with a marriage that sanctifies them, unifies them, and provides them with many children.

Due to in part to this blessed event, I have a mildly polemical point to make. Continue reading