Tag Archives: gossip

Blog Recommendation: Overheard in Pittsburgh

I don’t often highlight a single blog for particular attention. That way, it might mean a little more when I do. Today, I’d like to promote a local favorite of mine, Overheard in Pittsburgh.

In Pittsburgh, this city of college students and work-a-day joes, of arts and beer and unreliable public transportation, it’s hard not to overhear little bits of other people’s lives.

In line at a fast food restaurant, a man yells into his cell phone.

He’s yelling for you.

On the bus, two girls gossiping about a celebrity couple.

They’re gossiping for you.

In class, a professor says something he really oughtn’t.

He’s saying it for you.

Welcome to Overheard in Pittsburgh, a collection of impromptu little public performances, reported and displayed for your enjoyment.

Overheard in Pittsburgh:
We’re not eavesdroppers; we’re attentive listeners.

I’m a big fan of people watching and I see this as a logical extension of that. Sometimes fascinating, always entertaining, it’s worth taking a peek. Whenever I need a giggle, I head to OiP. There’s always some bit of street “wisdom” to brighten my day. 🙂

Update: OiP has moved.