Tag Archives: blog

Been Busy

I’m sorry there have been so many link posts lately.  I  can’t possibly give a full post to every interesting site I ever come across, but I would like to share them with folks. In fact, that desire brought about the existence of this blog in the first place. More importantly, though, it’s an easy way of giving readers something to look at when Real Life™ interferes with the process of writing real posts. The rate of frequency and length of link posts will drop very soon. The vast majority of these links were bookmarked ages ago and I just got around to doing some spring cleaning in Bloglines.  However, that doesn’t mean that I’ll be posting much meaty stuff in the near future.  For various reasons, I’ve been trying to cut down on blogging.  It’s been interfering with other aspects of my life, not the least of which being my marriage.  If any of my guest bloggers would like to step up and produce thoughtful content, I would be ever so grateful.

The Hyperventilating Left

Not that long ago, it was the right that was angry and the left that was, at least comparatively, polite.


*whew* I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Since when has the Left ever been polite?!? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not patting the Right on the back here. In case you’ve forgotten, both sides piss me off. However, what I’ve noticed in my blogosphere travels, is that while both sides can be rude, obnoxious, and insensitive, it’s overwhelmingly those on the Left that use crude, filthy language to make their points.

"But after years of being the targets of inflammatory rhetoric, not only from fringe groups but also from such mainstream conservative politicians as Newt Gingrich, the left has gone on the attack. And with Republicans in control of Washington, they have much more to be angry about."


"To what, effect, though? Do the hundreds of thousands of daily visitors to Daily Kos, who sign their comments with phrases such as ‘Anger is energy,’ accomplish anything other than talking among themselves?…How about the 125,000 or so daily visitors to Eschaton? Or the thousands who visit Rude Pundit, the Smirking Chimp or My Left Wing?"

"Put another way, can one person sitting alone in a living room, typing her fingertips numb on a keyboard, make a difference?"

Not to me they can’t. They can’t change my mind on any issue if I won’t listen to them, and I won’t listen to them until they stop foaming at the mouth and cursing every other word.

"…O’Connor [of My Left Wing] describes a trip she took to Washington last September for a rally against the Iraq war. It was a ‘buoyant’ experience, she says, ‘exuberant,’ right up until the moment that the speakers onstage began yammering about things that had nothing to do with why they had gathered."

"Free Palestine? Free some death-row inmate? End global warming? ‘That was when I just freaking lost it,’ she says. ‘Shut up! Shut up!’ she remembers screaming into a bullhorn."

Now, there’s some anger I can identify with. It drove me nuts when the anti-war protest of ’03 in Pittsburgh was hijacked for women’s reproductive "rights". I hate mission creep.

"Meanwhile, over on Eschaton, Dave is writing, ‘As a matter of fact — I do hate Bush!’ On Rude Pundit: ‘George W. Bush is the anti-Midas. Everything he touches turns to [expletive].’ On the Smirking Chimp: ‘I. Despise. These. [Expletive]!’"

That kind of purile ranting might be good for rallying other Lefties, but it’s not going to help them change minds or motivate folks (like me) in the middle. Give me intelligent, reasoned explanations of your points and I’ll listen. Go all Exorcist on me and you’ll get plonked.

If any of you frequent Lefty blogs whose authors aren’t rabid, let me know.  Don’t worry about plugging blogs on the Right.  Being a Christian blogger already puts me into contact with more Righty blogs than I can stomach.

WordPress Spam

Jerry has informed me that he’s been getting some rather nasty porn spam that’s supposedly coming from this blog.  If anyone else has received any spam from wordpress@[this domain], please let me know.

God help the first spammer I meet in person…


If you’ve commented or looked at the right sidebar lately, you’ve noticed that I’ve installed a new feature.  It’s called coComment, and it allows you to keep track of your comments on other blogs.

coComment helps you
» track all comments you make on blogs and
» track the resulting conversations when coCommenters respond.

Keep track of the comments you wrote on the Internet. You don’t even need a blog to find this service useful! Additionally, you’ll find all comments posted by other coComment members which are related to your original comment – creating a flowing conversation.

It’s free, so give it a try and let me know what you think. 🙂