Tag Archives: apostasy

Communing With Judas

This question about whether Judas partook of Christ’s flesh at the Last Supper has bearing on the current Eucharistic politicla controversy.

Judas receiving the Eucharist

Question from Mary on 05-27-2004:

Dear Father Why did Jesus allow Judas to receive Communion at the last Supper? Was’nt he in mortal sin at that time or was it still at the stage of being a venial sin? Thanks Mary

Virtually Righteous?

I'm not sure I'm sold on the tastefulness, appropriateness, or usefulness of this service, but I'm certain that the party crashers were out of line. Don't atheists, pagans, and satanists have better things to do with their time?

Virtual Devils Curse Internet Church
Wed May 19,10:05 AM ET
By Jason Hopps

"LONDON (Reuters) – The world's first Internet church has fallen victim to a plague of virtual demons, some of whom have been logging on as Satan and unleashing strings of expletives during sermons."

Uncatholic Rearing

When, Dear Lord, will Western catechesis improve? This report doesn't surprise me in the slightest, but now that's out, what will be done? Anything?

Report shows communication gap with Gen X faithful

"The proportion of Generation X Mass attenders who accept orthodox statements of Catholic beliefs and moral teachings is lower than that of Baby Boomers, according to an analysis published in the latest issue of the Australasian Catholic Record (ACR)."

Good Looking?

Aside from being a sad statement about the priorities of British youths, it'd frightening that anyone would say Michael Jackson has good looks. *shudder*

Beckham, not Jesus, is our hero, say British youths: poll

"LONDON (AFP) – George W. Bush and Jesus were left far behind football superstar David Beckham in an Internet survey of British young people's heroes…."

Providing further proof that good looks are the key to success, Beckham was followed in poll by filmstar Brad Pitt with 60 votes and singer Justin Timberlake with 58. Next came Michael Jackson, followed by Jennifer Lopez and Robbie Williams in the survey published on www.celebritystudy.com."

America the Almighty

US leaders are high priests of a low cult. I’d rather listen to Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons.

America is a religion
US leaders now see themselves as priests of a divine mission to rid the world of its demons
George Monbiot

“‘The death of Uday and Qusay,’ the commander of the ground forces in Iraq told reporters on Wednesday, ‘is definitely going to be a turning point for the resistance.’ Well, it was a turning point, but unfortunately not of the kind he envisaged. On the day he made his announcement, Iraqi insurgents killed one US soldier and wounded six others. On the following day, they killed another three; over the weekend they assassinated five and injured seven. Yesterday they slaughtered one more and wounded three. This has been the worst week for US soldiers in Iraq since George Bush declared that the war there was over.”