Monthly Archives: May 2006

But That Only Raises the Question…

I get that a Shipoopi is a girl you’re glad you found. She’s hard to get, but you can win her yet. I suppose that’s all fair. So who’s the girl you wish you’d never met (and presumably does not kiss at all)? Or what about the girl who you couldn’t get, despite your best efforts?

As much as I enjoy musical comedies, and I do enjoy them, I wish they’d define their terms a little more clearly. But then, I suppose nobody would line up to buy tickets to Kant: The Musical.

Religious Liberals?

Interesting article from WaPo, but with one gaping hole, it fails to define religious liberal. Perhaps it is too broad a term for the authors to have gotten their arms around it just yet. I’m posting here because I honestly don’t know what the term implies. I don’t remember ever hearing it before. My educated guess is that a religious liberal would tend to be:

  • fiscally liberal
  • against the death penalty
  • dovish on the military and foreign policy
  • pro immigration
  • community service oriented 
  • environmentally conscious.

Anyone care to add to or refute this list?

They’re Coming to America

I feel the need to write a political post, for a change. I've been observing the recent debate over immigration, and it's got me thinking. The part of the debate I dislike the most is the idea of a guest worker program. First of all, this system is in place in Germany (you know, one of those evil European powers that didn't support the war), but doesn't work that well. In Germany there is a sizable Turkish population (Turkish, but not born in Turkey), but the Turks stay low income and separated. In some parts of Europe this ghettoesque set up is fueling the terrorist cells. It doesn't work in Germany, but that's not what makes me cringe at the idea of an American guest worker program.

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Cleaning House

[cleansweep.jpg]Go, PACleanSweep, go!

Pay raise backlash ousts top legislators
GOP’s Jubelirer, Brightbill lose; 10 incumbents in House out

"Two of the top legislative leaders in Harrisburg yesterday lost their party’s nominations for re-election, victims of voter anger over last summer’s aborted legislative pay raises."


"Across the state, at least 10 incumbent House members lost their party nominations, so they already know they will lose their jobs. Others face additional challenges in the general election in November."