Tag Archives: disobedience

As the Anglican World Turns

Just when I thought things couldn’t get wackier…

bishop sanctioned for marrying partner

Saturday, May 8, 2004 Posted: 9:52 AM EDT (1352 GMT)

“SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) — The Episcopal Diocese of California has sanctioned
a retired bishop for marrying his same-sex partner during a church ceremony in San
Francisco, according to a published report.”

Just How Liberal Are Those Arts?

As a frequenter of the Ryan
Catholic Newman Center
, I’m always happy to pass along information about his
ministry and its continuation. This, however, would warrant posting anyhow. The
sad fact is that some of the abuses reported can be found in Newman Clubs at such
schools as Colorado School of Mines (a non-Catholic school and thus left out of
the study). [It has been brought to my attention that the specific ills mentioned
on the site are not found in the Mines Newman Club. However, my source assured me
that there’s plenty of cafeteria Catholicism to worry a loyal Newmanite.]

group exposes Catholic campus scandals

“Washington, Apr. 30 (CWNews.com) – An independent Catholic group has released a
report of scandals at Catholic colleges in the US, noting that the detailed information
‘is certain to reignite concerns about the colleges’ religious character.'”

Free Will

Nancy Pelosi has joined John Kerry in his public defiance of the Church, on the
grounds “that every person has a free will and has the responsibility to live
their lives in a way that they would have to account for in the end.” This
is not an untrue statement, but it neglects to mentioned informed conscience and
obedience. Scripture and Tradition are pretty clear on correct response to doctrine.
Here’s a repost of a relevant article. I’ve spewed enough vitriol for now. I’ll
leave it in the hands of the Church and pray.

Vatican II did, and didn’t, teach about conscience

Elections and voting booths are never `faith-free’ zones

“Vatican II must be the most widely praised and rarely followed council in
Catholic history – at least when it comes to candidates and voters.”

Catholics who appeal to the “spirit of Vatican II” and claim to be following their consciences when they ignore Catholic teaching on issues of vital public importance would be wise to revisit what the council actually said.

Another Viewpoint

In the interest of fairness, the following offers an opposing viewpoint to the “John
Kerry must not receive communion” chant.

Dublin Archbishop
warns against politicisation of Eucharist

“New Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin expressed concern about interpretations
of Vatican instructions that could lead to the Eucharist becoming a ‘political

Communion on abortion is last resort, Bishop Gregory says

By Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service

“ROME (CNS) — Denying Communion to a politician such as Sen. John F. Kerry,
who supports legalized abortion, must be the last resort in a process to convince
the politician to uphold moral truths when voting, said the president of the U.S.
bishops’ conference.”

Katholic Politicians

Why Communion Could Be Denied
to Anti-Life Legislators

Interview With an American Theologian in Rome

“ROME, APRIL 26, 2004 (Zenit.org).- Moves by the Church to deny Holy Communion
to staunchly pro-abortion Catholic politicians are growing.”

Vatican II did, and didn’t, teach about conscience

Elections and voting booths are never `faith-free’ zones

“Vatican II must be the most widely praised and rarely followed council in
Catholic history -at least when it comes to candidates and voters.

Catholics who appeal to the “spirit of Vatican II” and claim to be following
their consciences when they ignore Catholic teaching on issues of vital public importance
would be wise to revisit what the council actually said.”

Kerry and Catholicism

By Uwe Siemon-Netto, UPI Religion Correspondent

“Washington, DC, Apr. 19 (UPI) — There are between 25 and 30 million Catholic
voters in the United States, most of whom favored the Democrats. But today about
40 percent are independents. And they make up a big chunk in swing states such as
Florida, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — states the
presumptive Democrat candidate John Kerry must win if he wants to make it to the
White House.”

Catholic Politicians, a Hard Line

By Charlotte Allen
Sunday, April 11, 2004; Page B01

“Today, Easter Sunday, tens of millions of American Catholics will crowd into
churches to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion in honor of Christianity’s most
sacred feast day, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Among those
standing in the Communion line may be Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry, the likely
Democratic nominee for president.”

Law and Catholic In Name Only

“A debate is brewing around St. Blog over the appropriateness of refering to
pro-abort ‘Catholic’ politicians as Catholic In Name Only (CINO). Initially,
I intended to stay clear of this controversy since I’m personally not fond of the
CINO label. This has nothing to do with canon law and everything to do with taste
— I prefer the much more inflamatory (and I would argue accurate) designation of

Catholic(?) Kerry

“Chronicling Democratic presidential frontrunner John Kerry’s desperate attempts
to maintain his status as ‘a Catholic in good standing’ while publicly
flouting the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.”