Monthly Archives: January 2006

Gutsy Move

My kilt-wearing buddy, Adam Graham, has added an interesting twist to the 2006 Bloggies.

"The blog awards, particularly in the field of politics are an ideologial monolith. Still, I’ve got to tell you I’ve been getting some hits off the awards page (39 so far). I’m not nominated, but I’m giving the prize for the political blogs, a copy of the Screwtape Reports."

&quo;You read it right folks, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, Crooks and Liars, Firedog Lake, and Wonkette are battling out for an award where the biggest prize (other than bragging rights) is MY book, a book by a Conservative Christian Republican."

"The humor and irony of this situation is thick. I was prepared for the possibility of a Liberal blog winning the Bloggies when I offered it, but not the absolute certainty of it."

"Of course, whoever wins, I’ll send the book to. Will they want it? Will they accept delivery?"

Be sure to read the rest of the post as well as the follow-up posts to find out how the left wing of the blogosphere has reacted thus far.

For the record, I am not a Republican, nor am I a Democrat. I am a disgruntled Independent who registers with whichever party is politically useful at the time. If Pennsylvania had open primaries I wouldn’t have to do that. But I digress. My point is that I have no horse in this race. I’m just interested to see how this thing plays out.

What I’ve Been Saying All Along

Democrats and Republicans are equally full of crap. (Fedora Tip: UnSpace and Grabass)

"Democrats and Republicans alike are adept at making decisions without letting the facts get in the way, a new study shows."

"And they get quite a rush from ignoring information that's contrary to their point of view."

"Researchers asked staunch party members from both sides to evaluate information that threatened their preferred candidate prior to the 2004 Presidential election. The subjects' brains were monitored while they pondered."

Audience Participation

Hey you! Yeah, you. I need your help. I’m seriously contemplating what it might be like if I considered the possibly of maybe or even potentially pondering the notion that it could conceivably be a good idea to revamp this blog. Rebrand it, if you will. In order to make that happen some time during this presidential administration, I’m going to need input from you, my loyal readers. What I’m looking for are the following design ideas.

Should I keep the current title? I’m thinking about making this an eponymous blog. So many refer to this blog by my pseudonym already. Why not just go with the flow?

I’d like some ideas for new quips (the snarky line just below the title). I get bored easily, so I’ll likely be rotating them (as usual), so throw as many at me as you can think of. Be creative (and PG, please). What sentence, phrase, or other collection of words sums up this blog to you?

I’m slightly colorblind. As a resent, my aesthetic tastes tend to differ a little from others’. Add to that fact my rather eccentric personality and you get a parchment background horked from the Vatican with a coffee-house color scheme. If you could rebuild this blog from scratch, what colors and/or patterns would you use?

The Latin’s staying. Deal. Now that you’ve accepted this fact, help me to make it less intimidating.

Three columns? Two columns? One column? How would you organize things around here?

Lastly, do any of you fine folks know of some good pro bono blog template designers (ala Eris Designs)? Blogging’s fun and all, but I’m not throwing any more money into it.

Breviarium Ecclesiae

Is "mystery" a translation of "mysterion"or really just transliteration?
Is "church", as the concept is understood by Catholics, Orthodox, and mainline Protestants, an accurate translation of "ekklesia"?
Some animals’ free speech rights are apparently more equal than others’.
Witness the carnage when a pro-choicer seemingly breaks ranks.
Dappled Things has a good article about Robertson’s recent stupid remark about Sharon.
"VISION: The quality of agreeing with me." Read more from the Modern Seminarian’s Dictionary.
Find out why Christian bloggers need a stronger narrative in order to be of interest.
Pope Hillary? Pope Oprah?
I’d add the early Church Fathers to this list of things more substantial than blogs to read, but the point is well made.
Here’s a fair appraisal of "The Book of Daniel".
Real Ultimate Anglo-Catholic Power!
Pontifications explains the differences between Calvin and Luther’s teachings about faith.
You might be able to lower your insurance payments by going to mass.