Monthly Archives: September 2005

2005 Great Race – My First 10K! :)

great race bibToday I ran my first 10K race. 🙂 It was the Richard S. Caliguiri Great Race.

I met up with Rob Carr at the ambulance behind the starting line. My wife took a picture of us. As soon as that roll of film gets developed, I'll post my Run Shadyside and Great Race pics.

Rob and I ran the first mile together. He was worried about his knee and I was worried about setting too fast a pace, so we took it slow. As it turned out, we took it slower than either of us really wanted (about 13 minutes as I recall). After the first mile, I split off from Rob and picked up my pace. Having looked at Rob's chip time, it seems I didn't out-pace him by much. I finished in 1:04:55 according to my watch (1:06:13, officially ) and he finished in 1:09:41. I probably put about a minute's distance between us when I left him and just held on to it, accumulating another minute of separation with each mile. Had I known Rob was going to be so close behind me, I'd have stayed with him so we could push and support each other. Oh well.

Anyhow, I didn't finish in under an hour like I wanted to, but I'm not too disappointed. I'm mostly glad I finished. That was the first time I ran 10K without stopping. During training, I always stopped at about 5K, got water and walked around a bit before running the remaining 5K. I have something to shoot for next year. Continue reading

Father Wehner’s Comment on Seminary Visitations

On Wednesday, I sent the following email to Father Ron Lengwin, spokesman for the Diocese of Pittsburgh.

Father Lengwin,

I have a question I'm hoping you can answer in your capacity as diocesan spokesman. In a recent Post-Gazette article about the current seminary visitations and related comments made by Archbishop Edward O'Brien, Father Jim Wehner is quoted as saying,

"He is being very general. I would not challenge what he said, but I think we need to be more specific. You can have an orientation and never engage in homosexual acts. And you can have some young man who has too much to drink and engages in perversions he never would otherwise. That doesn't mean he's gay."

Domenico Bettinelli, Jr., managing editor of Catholic World News and editor of Catholic World Report, reacted to that statement with the following comments on his blog.

"Never mind that someone with a propensity for drunkness that leads to illicit sexual acts would have a whole other reason to be seriously re-considered for the seminary, what can the rector possibly be thinking? What normal heterosexual male suddenly finds himself a homosexual after having a few drinks? I'm sorry, but drunkenness doesn't change your personality, it lowers barriers and impairs judgment so that you're more likely to do things that are already in your mind."

"This is the kind of thinking that looks for loopholes and excuses, not elevated standards of behavior."

I am inclined to agree with Mr. Betinelli that not only is drunkenness a poor – and highly suspect – excuse for perverse acts, but is troubling on its own. However, I try as often as possible to hear all relevant sides of a story, and thus am loathe to accuse Father Wehner of offering an apologia for licentious behavior in seminaries. Furthermore, I do not think unchecked criticism of clerics is appropriate and provides opportunities for scandal in the Church. If Father Wehner was in any way misrepresented, I would like to know so that I might reply to Mr. Betinelli and others who were scandalized by the perceived apologia pro licentia. Would it be possible for a clarification of his comment to be offered? Thank you in advance.

Father Lengwin forwarded my email to Father Wehner, who responded to me today. He says that he must consult with the diocesan communications officer before clearing me to publish his response. However, I can state that Father Wehner was misquoted and his remarks were taken out of context. In fact, the (mis)quoted comment was made during a related conversation after he had, at the request of the reporter, commented on Archbishop O'Brien's statement that gay men should not be in a seminary. I'll publish his full response as soon as I'm permitted. I suppose technically speaking I don't need permission, but I wouldn't want to needlessly land Father Wehner in trouble with his boss, Bishop Wuerl.

Update 09/28/05: Father Wehner got back to me about publishing his clarification of the Post-Gazette article.

Hello Eric:

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Busy days.

I did speak with our communication office and in agreeing with them I believe I have clarified my remarks in light of the Post Gazette taking them out of context.

Therefore, if anyone else needs this same clarification they can contact me. My remarks to you are not be published.

I again appreciate the opportunity to address the questions you raised.

Sincerely in the Lord,
Father Wehner

His address is

Linker Appreciation

I’m in the process of moving my blogrolls from Blogrolling to Bloglines. I’ve purged a lot of dead weight. It’s possible, though, that in my zeal to have a leaner and more useful blogroll I’ve deleted some reciprocal links. Please check out my blogrolls page. If you link to me (personally, not just in Blogdom of God or some other aggregator) and cannot find at least a reciprocal link, let me know and I’ll add you. 🙂

Street Prophets

A new political God blog has popped onto the scene. Street Prophets, an outgrowth from Daily Kos, is a left-leaning blog about the intersection of faith and politics. The content provider is Rev. Daniel Schultz, a third-generation UCC pastor in Pennsylvania.

Strangely enough, they’ve linked to me. Now do you believe me when I say I don’t fit neatly into the political spectrum? 😉

Rock the Capital [of Pennsylvania]

I’ve told you about Operation Clean Sweep before (here and here). Now it’s time to Rock the Capital.

"The ‘Rock the Capital’ rally scheduled for Monday, September 26, 2005, from 1:30 to 3:00 pm is being sponsored by ten broad-based organizations. According to rally coordinator Eric Epstein, speakers, music and a visual feast of political props will be featured before citizens enter the Capitol to meet and greet their representatives."

"Bob Durgin from WHP Radio in Harrisburg will broadcast live from the Capitol Steps from 3:00 to 6:00 pm. Durgin will display and deliver petitions with more than 117,000 signatures opposing the pay raise during his live broadcast."

"Barry Kauffman, Executive Director of Common Cause/Pennsylvania said, ‘The Independence Day Weekend Payjacking was a wake-up call. This is not an antigovernment rally — actually it is just the opposite. For our representative democracy to survive and thrive it must be open, it must be accountable, and it must be responsive to the citizens. Today, it is none of these things.’"

"William J. Parker, President of the Pennsylvania Club for Growth, a grassroots political action committee that supports conservative economic ideals added, ‘The definition integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking. The definition of arrogance is doing the wrong thing when everyone is looking. The definition of insanity is acting as if your arrogance has some sort of integrity. I guess that makes our law makers insanely arrogant.’"