Monthly Archives: January 2004

Media Bias

accuses media of pro-gay bias

In a statement released for the Church’s World Communications Day, scheduled for this May, the pontiff said the media should concentrate on “marriage and family life,” and realize their responsibility to the general public. Despite claiming to reject censorship, the pope went on to say too many newspapers, TV channels and radio stations promote issues such as homosexuality, as well as contraception and abortion.

I think JPII is dead right on this one. Homosexuality is shown in a very favorable
light on TV. Anyone who doesn’t accept homosexuality as wholesome diversity is represented
as a bigot, rather than someone with moral conviction.

Mentioned By Fahim!

Fahim Farook, the guy who wrote Blog,
the blogging app I use, mentioned a bug I pointed out in his Jan 27 Developer’s
Corner entry. 🙂

The Developer’s

“…Incidentally, while writing this entry, I realized another problem with
Blog – somebody mentioned that copying and pasting from websites was broken. Now
I see what happens :p The HTMLEdit component takes the pasted entry as HTML and
tries to deal with it, HTML tags and all! So it puts in a comment tag at the beginning
to say that this is a fragmented entry and that ends up in making the whole pasted
bit effectively invisible in the WYSIWYG view. You can still go to the HTML view
and take out the comment tag to make the pasted text appear but I think I might
have to add a ‘Paste as text …’ option or make pasting as text the default

Good Looking?

Aside from being a sad statement about the priorities of British youths, it'd frightening that anyone would say Michael Jackson has good looks. *shudder*

Beckham, not Jesus, is our hero, say British youths: poll

"LONDON (AFP) – George W. Bush and Jesus were left far behind football superstar David Beckham in an Internet survey of British young people's heroes…."

Providing further proof that good looks are the key to success, Beckham was followed in poll by filmstar Brad Pitt with 60 votes and singer Justin Timberlake with 58. Next came Michael Jackson, followed by Jennifer Lopez and Robbie Williams in the survey published on"

Scared Stupid

If these “secularity” measures go through, the faithful remnant of France
should make t-shirts, jeans, or some ubiquitous item take on religious symbolism.
Ghandi did it with the spinning wheel.

PM Presses on with Law Banning Muslim Veils

By Timothy Heritage

“PARIS (Reuters) – French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin vowed on Saturday
to press on with plans to introduce a law that would ban Muslim headscarves in state
schools despite growing opposition from Muslim protesters and some politicians.”

Pennsylvania Gets a ‘B’

PA has a pretty good pro-life record. Hopefully, Governor Rendell won’t screw it

Pro-Life Group Issues
State-by-State Report Card on Abortion Issues

by Paul Nowak

“Chicago, IL ( — Louisiana has received recognition for being
the best state in protecting the safety of women and the rights of the unborn, while
Vermont is the worst, according to the Americans United for Life’s
2004 state report cards. The pro-life law firm annually reviews state policies
and ranks the states according to the efforts made to protect women and children.”