Monthly Archives: June 2003

Out That Young?!?

Most 14-year-olds are nowhere near having a good grip on who they are and who they want to be, and yet this girl is already certain she’s a lesbian. Not only that, she’s out and proud. My spider senses are tingling. Methinks she’s got rather “open” parents filling her head will ultra-liberal, morally bankrupt ideas.

Putting that aside, I think dress code rules in schools give them the right abridge free speech on school grounds.

Teen Sues Over ‘Lesbian Barbie’ Shirt Ban

“NEW YORK (Reuters) – A New York teen-ager alleged on Thursday that teachers violated her civil rights when they suspended her from school for wearing a ‘Barbie is a Lesbian’ T-shirt.”

Smith Award?

If the Darwin Awards recognize people kind enough to remove themselves from the gene pool, should there be Smith Awards to recognize people who remove themselves from the workforce?

These people seem to have overlooked one of the key advantages of griping via the internet – anonymity.

‘Bitch Boss’ Remark No Way to Win a Job

“LONDON (Reuters) – One called her boss a ‘bitch from hell’ while another admitted ‘lying through his teeth’ at interview. Both the British job candidates were — not surprisingly — turned down after prospective employers discovered their candid comments on a public Web site.”

God and Country

I really do not understand what these people are getting all bent out of shape about. If you’re a religious individual, you ought to believe that God’s law supersedes man’s law and that God comes before country. If you’re an atheist, God does not exist, so effectively, this fellow has put nothing before his country. Where’s the problem?

"Calling Dr. Paine….Calling Dr. Paine….You’re needed for emergency rod removal."

Flag Flap Pits God Versus Country

"There’s a flap over a flag in Westmoreland County. Folks there are up in arms because a popular beverage company is flying a Christian flag above the American flag. United States code states the American flag always comes first on the flag pole. "

I Now Pronounce You Man and Husband

Personally, I am against the idea of gay marriages, but that is from a religious standpoint. I don’t see a reason why they should be illegal. In fact, I think legal gay marriages would go a long way to fixing health care inequalities. As long as the Catholic Church never condones it, I’ll be happy.

Canadian Leaders Agree to Propose Gay Marriage Law

“ORONTO, June 17 – The Canadian cabinet approved a new national policy today to open marriage to gay couples, paving the way for Canada to become the third country to allow same-sex unions.”