Category Archives: arts and entertainment

Movie Review: Ironman

I just watched the Ironman movie. It was pretty good. Maybe I’m biased, because I like the core concept of the Ironman comic franchise, but I didn’t have any major complaints about the movie. The acting was good all around, the special effects and production details were good, and the writing was solid.

That last bit is where a lot of comic book movies fall apart for me. There’s usually some piece of writing that totally falls flat on its face. Sometimes it’s something fairly minor that I should probably get over, such as an Armageddon device (such as in Batman Begins). Other times it’s a joke that goes horribly long (e.g., Transformers). Or they feel the need to add something to provide comic book continuity that just has no place in the movie (Ghost Rider). Then it’s just a question of whether the rest of the movie was strong enough that I felt it justified the whole experience.

Ironman didn’t have many weak points. There were a couple of general plot points I thought didn’t play out as well as they could have, but overall it was pretty consistent and amusing. Action movies of the last few years haven’t taken themselves too seriously, and you can see that in Ironman. But even so, the humor is used effectively. They often use it to break up a fairly long origin story that might’ve been rather dry otherwise. It’s also used to wind down from a couple of minor action scenes. The overall effect works and gives the movie a rising-falling tension.

What else can I say? It was a good movie. The concessions were way too expensive. This may be the last time I buy a movie theater’s soda. Honestly, guys, I don’t mind paying a small premium. I know it’s where your margins come from, and we’ve all got to put bread on the table. All the same, I just can’t pay $5 for a soda.

96% of Ordinary People Know That Modern Art is Crap and Artists Are Pompous Narcissists

Belgian art lovers are shocked – shocked! – that 96% of passers-by on a busy street didn’t take much notice give much thought to a work of art by famous Belgian artist Luc Tuymans. (Fedora tip: BoingBoing)

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“This is for the ones standing up to the system”

I interpret the “it” in this song as our republic and the “head cornerstone” as the Constitution.

Cornerstone by the Have Nots

This is for the ones standing up to the system
Yeah you know who you are, stay on point with the mission
Look to the left, the right, it all seems the same
Everybody’s pointing fingers in a blame game
And it’s a crying shame theres no change, just strain
It’s like we’re all in such a rush to flush it all down the drain
We gotta take it down brick by brick until we find the head cornerstone
We gotta polish it up ’til it shines like it once shone.

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Music Making Me Mad

Moments ago I was sitting in my boss’ office waiting for him to finish some math for a paper we’re writing. He’s a big classical music fan and often listens to a local station streamed over the net. As I sat there, effectively alone with my thoughts, I realized something about my feelings toward classical music. I realized that unless a piece fits into the narrow category of styles I like, it drives me nuts. What I mean is that being forced to sit through a classical piece that I find boring or annoying, feel agitated, aggressive, belligerent, impatient, intolerant, and infuriated. So much for the aphorism’s claim that music calms the savage beast. Apparently, most classical music makes me a savage beast.

Now, these feelings aren’t remotely similar to how Rage Against the Machine and other anger anthem bands make me feel. I like how that stuff gets my blood pumping. “Bad” classical music makes me uncomfortable in a way best compared to having to pee really bad, having an unreachable itch, or being forced to stay awake when you’re beyond exhausted. “Get me out of here! Make it stop! Turn it off! Don’t make me turn it off for you!!!” So screams my mind.

Weird, huh?