Author Archives: Steve

Ghost in the Machine

Today, The Revealer points to this article over at the Guardian where Oxford scientists have received substantial funding to search for the "ghost in the machine." The machine in this case is us.

The scientists will apply a chilli-based gel to the skin of volunteers and ask them to try different strategies to lessen the burning sensation, including asking people with strong religious beliefs to draw on their faith to cope with the pain.

I don’t really understand what they hope to find. Some people may market religion as a way to escape from, ameliorate, or in some way "deal with" pain. But this hardly means that true religion can really provide it. Religion, at least Christianity, provides an answer, but not an escape hatch. On the contrary, a Christian understanding of pain might very well make the pain less and not more bearable. At any rate, the "pain" of having chili paste spread on your skin hardly rises to the level of pain at all–at least of the sort that religion purports to "deals with." Instead, I’d suggest that the researchers subject the volunteers to watching children be subjected to abuse, friends dragged out to sea by tsunamis, loved ones dying lengthy, "pointless" deaths. Then maybe we’ll get some useful data.

Abortion: Round 1,523,361

I’ve been engaged in a knock-down-drag-out on the subject over The Anti-Manicheist. He’s a good centrist Christian blogger who is (in my opinion) just a bit too accommodating on Seamless Garment of Life issues. I’d encourage interested readers to head over and help me out, or… club me over the (virtual) head, as the case may be.

What Are His Options?

A fellow Pantagruelist, an RCC-sympathizer seeking to marry an RC woman, asks What are my options?

Anthony complains…

We don't live together, we don't fornicate, we view artificial birth control as a sin and believe marriage is an irreversible commitment. I would think the Church would jump at the chance to marry us, since it is rare to find Catholics who believe all of the above, but instead it is we who are expected to jump through hoop after hoop after hoop.

Seeing that there is more total knowledge of Catholic marriage among the faithful of Ales Rarus than in each of all but 7 nations of the world, I thought I'd point any would-be good Samaritans in that direction. Contact info is contained in the forum…

The Lilies Guild

What do love forlorn, teen pregnancy, drowning one’s sorrows in a shotglass, and Deity’s identity crisis have in common? They’re all subjects tackled by the internet’s newest wannabe proliferators of indie folk-rock: The Guilded Lilies. Or maybe it was the subject matter that tackled them… At any rate, as our friend Smedley says, head on over for a good cry, a good chuckle, or hopefully both. And always remember, what we lack in musicianship, can often be made up for in volume.

The Sin of Nice

Recently, the proprietor of this blogspace, Mr. Funky Dung, commented
about the "nice things" I say here from time to time. Though I am reasonably
certain that Mr. Dung intended it as a compliment, perhaps in the vein of "nice
arse kicking" or "nice proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem," part
of me was quite taken aback [I meant it in the sense of "nice reasoning"
or "well thought out response" or "good points". – Funky]

You see, "nice" has been registered as a complaint leveled against
Evangelicaldom in recent years. And as one of the token Evangelicals in these blogparts,
I must confess that I take the criticism to be all too often valid. I am therefore
probably more sensitive to occurrences of this word that most folks, not having
been accused of the sin of nice, use in a completely innocent, even complimentary,
way. Let me ‘splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up

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