Tag Archives: tv

Wicca Broadcasting

[I’m not sure I can agree with more than about a paragraph of this post, but it’s not offensive, so I’m honoring my promise of free speech to my guest posters. – Funky]

I just happened to flip past Smallville, another remake of the Superman story, on the WB the other night. Three witches were taking the powers of the boy wonder via some powerful spells. It seems to me that Warner Brothers studios is producing more stories and programs with wicca spirituality included. Charmed is on the WB. Harry Potter is on the wide screen. Buffy the Vampire Slayer [I love that show. – Funky] had a few characters who explored witchcraft. Even the movie The Secret Garden had wicca injected into the story.

Of course, the presentation of wicca through the boob tube and the big screen is not new, but it seems like it’s more accepted now. With Joan of Arcadia being replaced with Ghost Whisperer on CBS, my own loathing of the occult (including wicca, demons, and the devil) has become more acute.

What is there to hate? It can be summed up in one statement: "They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone." ( – CCC 2116

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C-Span:Congress :: S-Span:SCOTUS?

This interesting little tidbit of info was in the latest mailing from Grassfire.

"a new bill in Congress…would require the U.S. Supreme Court to televise its public sessions — in essence creating a Supreme Court ‘C-Span’. I believe this is a great way to bring some level of public accountability to the courts."

That sounds pretty cool. I’ll keep an eye on this and let you folks know if anything comes of it.

CBS Smites Joan

One of the few shows I turn the TV on to watch is Joan of Arcadia (JoA). Quietly on 5-18-05, CBS cancelled the show. I just found this out from my wife who also watches it.

We were wondering what happened when there were no commercials about the show. We didn't imagine that they canceled it. We are extremely disappointed.

I just hope CBS or some other network picks it up sometime soon. Even people that aren't religious watched it. It's a good show amongst so many that aren't even close (CBS is keeping "Yes, dear". Blah.).

If you'd like to sign a petition to save the JoA, go here or here.

Cop Show Copycats

I couldn't resist quoting a comment Wojo made at Grabass.

"I think we need Law And Order: Parking Violations Unit."

I love the original Law and Order, but even that has jumped the shark and devolved into a parody of itself. LaO: Special Victims Unit is pretty good, but it's getting a little old. I mean, how long can you sustain a series based on perverts and psychos? I've gotten to point that if I'm going to subject myself to the dark side of humanity, I'd rather watch something on Court TV that's based on real crimes, real victims, and real law enforcement heros. LaO: Criminal Intent lost my interest pretty quickly. I could only take so much of Vincent D'Onofrio's impression of Columbo on drugs.

CSI has similar problems. The characters are still interesting enough, however, that I don't always ditch it in favor of Forensic Files. I don't watch the spin-offs, though. I don't watch much TV and one CSI is certainly enough for me. At least it's not reality TV (Documentaries and education programs don't count.). Don't even get me started on that crap.

Anyhow, with all of the real crime and mayhem in our society, why do we need so many cop shows? Is it because justice isn't served in Real Life™? Are we trying to hide from society's ills by bombarding our senses with stories about people who are usually ok in the end and in which the bad guys are more often than not caught? Food for thought…

John and Charlotte Were Robbed

I'm not a reality TV fan, but there is one show I've watched consistently – Dancing With the Stars. I've done some ballroom dancing (exhibition, not competition) and loved it, so I was hooked pretty quickly. The routines consisted of more flash than footwork, but it was still cool to see ballroom dancing get some publicity. And boy oh boy did it. The ratings have been phenomenal.

Anyhow, tonight was the finale. John and Charlotte were up against Kelly and Alec. J&C have been my favorite couple since the beginning. John has good posture, decent footwork, and superb showmanship. I admire how Kelly's improved over the weeks, but she's still not a very good dancer. She wore bare-essentials (pun intended) outfits and showed off her body rather than good dancing.

And yet she won. I'm in shock. *grrr* I'm not a happy camper.

Great. Now I'm all worked up over people I don't know personally competing for nothing special. It serves me right for biting the poisonous apple of reality TV. *sigh* A pox on all your networks!!!

P.S. Perhaps this had something to do with John's loss.