Tag Archives: Ron Paul

Faux News Advertising Ron Paul?

If I weren’t already a Ron Paul supporter, this article (at Faux News!) would likely have made me one. It reads like a greatest hits compilation of Dr. Paul’s policy ideas.

Foreign Policy, Recession-Proofing the U.S. Dominate GOP Debate in South Carolina

“The Republican candidates returned to their respective outposts on the campaign trail Friday, hours after appearing in a vigorous debate that focused on national security and America’s role in the world. The conversation began when the candidates evaluated the U.S. response during a recent incident in the Strait of Hormuz between a U.S. Navy ship and five Iranian speed boats. Five of the six candidates on stage at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center in South Carolina applauded the commanding officers for responding with restraint when they did not fire on the speed boats even though a radio call claimed the U.S. ship was going to explode in minutes. Of the six candidates, only Ron Paul said he thought the incident was being blown out of proportion.

‘Let’s put it in perspective. We have five small speedboats attacking the U.S. Navy with a Destroyer? They could take care of those speedboats in about five seconds. And here we’re ready to start World War III over this? … You know there are people in this administration and in Washington, D.C., that are looking for the chance’ to bomb Iran, the 10-term Texas congressman said.”

A Message to Michigan Democrats and Independents

Michigan has its primary in six days, and has been punished by both parties for being early. However, while the Democrats have stripped Michigan’s entire delegation, the state still has a Republican delegation at the convention, albeit smaller. Your vote for a Democratic candidate has no direct influence on who gets nominated at the convention.

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Reminder: Ron Paul and Polls

The aggregated NH polls at Pollster.com predicted the finishing order and vote percentages for the Republican primary, as I expected they would. Therefore, I’ll repeat my previous admonition here.

What these polls show us about Ron Paul’s popularity should motivate us to act, and we ignore them at our campaign’s peril. The good doctor’s campaign is in need of immediate attention and a major injection of funds. If you haven’t done so already, get involved with your local Ron Paul meetup. Tell your friends about Ron Paul. Given them informational slim jims and DVDs (my favorite is “A Man for All Seasons“). Lastly, it would be nice if money didn’t make the world go round, but it does, and the Paul campaign needs money to reach the millions of disenfranchised voters who’d flock to him if only they knew he is. Please, for liberty’s sake, consider making a donation. No amount is too small. If we each do our part to promote the causes of liberty and small government, and pay attention to how we affect state and national poll numbers, we might yet beat the system.

Addendum: I like Lew Rockwell and enjoy reading his blog, but I think James Ostrowski’s dead wrong when he says, “let’s all stop listening to the MSM and pollsters“. Granted, the polls got the Democratic NH primary wrong. However, they did well with both the Iowa and New Hampshire Republican primaries. If the polls look grim for Ron Paul, that shouldn’t mean we ignore them. Rather, they should light a fire under a movement that seems to have lost some oomph since the Tea Party money bomb.

Addendum: If you really want to stick it to the pollsters, get some disenfranchised Democrats to vote for Dr. Paul. 😉

Update 01/10/08: Dr. Paul is polling better than Fred Thompson in Michigan and catching up to him in South Carolina and Florida. 🙂

Copying Ron Paul

People are starting to notice candidates seemingly speaking from Ron Paul’s talking points. I noticed this one during the ABC/Facebook New Hampshire debate:

“GOV. RICHARDSON: Charlie, I want us to just remember history. I want us to remember history. Years ago we backed the Shah of Iran, a dictator. We are paying for that policy today by having backed a tyrant who repressed his people — unintended consequences.”

CBS news noticed this one:

Huckabee Sounding A Little Like Ron Paul

“Speaking to a packed gymnasium Sunday, Mike Huckabee sounded off on how politicians in Washington, D.C. had spent beyond their public mandate. He then threw in a line about money printing that could have come out of Ron Paul’s mouth. “

If you’ve noticed any candidate borrowing from Ron Paul, let me know in the comments. Please use quotes and links to articles and/or videos.

Ron Paul and Polls

As a Ron Paul supporter who’s watching net news with bated breath, I’ve noticed that the good doctor’s supporters seem to be rather distrusting of polls. The reasons range from criticisms of questionable statistical practices (e.g., land lines vs. mobile lines and so-called “likely voters”) to conspiracy theories. Having finally looked at some aggregated poll results, though, I think it’s time the Paulites start caring about polls.

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