Tag Archives: family

Violating Inviolability

Last month, Daniel Nichols over at Caelum & Terra blogged an entry entitled An Open Wound, in which he shared the news of couple that he and his family knew and with whom had once been close having received an annulment. They had been married over twenty years and were blessed with nine children, whom they homeschooled. The couple had in all manner been devout, articulate, exemplary Catholics. After some amount of time, however, the wife left her husband and eventually applied for and obtained an annulment. An annulment is a finding from the Church that sacramental marriage, which Catholics hold to be unviolable, never happened. And Mr. Nichols’ reaction to this news, and any sane person’s reaction would have to be,

[I]f they can get an annulment, anyone can!

That the Church has come to this–providing excuses for sins against God and man–is a scandal, an open wound in the Body of Christ.

Lord have mercy.

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Prayer Requests

Some members of my family are in need of prayers.

my Aunt Ellen: testing on breast lump tomorrow and complete hysterectomy on December

my Great Aunt Amy: struggles with depression and mild dementia

Elissa (Amy’s daughter in law): recently had double mastectomy and doctors may have
found more cancer

my dad: borderline diabetes and high blood pressure

Wicca Broadcasting

[I’m not sure I can agree with more than about a paragraph of this post, but it’s not offensive, so I’m honoring my promise of free speech to my guest posters. – Funky]

I just happened to flip past Smallville, another remake of the Superman story, on the WB the other night. Three witches were taking the powers of the boy wonder via some powerful spells. It seems to me that Warner Brothers studios is producing more stories and programs with wicca spirituality included. Charmed is on the WB. Harry Potter is on the wide screen. Buffy the Vampire Slayer [I love that show. – Funky] had a few characters who explored witchcraft. Even the movie The Secret Garden had wicca injected into the story.

Of course, the presentation of wicca through the boob tube and the big screen is not new, but it seems like it’s more accepted now. With Joan of Arcadia being replaced with Ghost Whisperer on CBS, my own loathing of the occult (including wicca, demons, and the devil) has become more acute.

What is there to hate? It can be summed up in one statement: "They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone." ( – CCC 2116

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Electronic Leash For Children?

Back on 8-22-05, it was reported that GPS devices were keeping track of sex offenders. Wouldn’t you know that now minors are being monitored by GPS devices. Parents can know where their son or daughter is, know how fast they’re driving, and when/if they get to class.

We can debate whether this is right or not, but I’d rather connect this to another phenomenon and expand it.

It’s really not surprising that parents are taking advantage of this new technology. This youth generation AKA Echo Boomers, Generation Y, or Millenials is "more protected".

"’Parents feel as if they’re holding onto a piece of Baccarat crystal or something that could somehow shatter at any point,’ says Levine. ‘And so parents really have a sense their kids are fragile. And parents therefore are protecting them, inflating their egos. Massaging them, fighting their battles for them.’ [60 minutes, "The Echo Boomers"]"

This can be explained by the following:

"’Because they came along at a time when we started re-valuing kids. During the ’60s and ’70s, the frontier of reproductive medicine was contraception,’ says Howe. ‘During the ’80s and beyond, it’s been fertility and scouring the world to find orphan kids that we can adopt. …The culture looked down on kids. Now it wants kids; it celebrates them.’" [Ibid]

[If children are valued so much, why is the birth rate in this country still below replacement and why is abortion still so popular? – Funky]

What will happen when each individual has to act make decisions on their own?

"’Sometimes, they don’t know what to do if they’re just left outside and you say, ‘Well, just do something by yourself for a while,” says Howe. ‘They’ll look around stunned. You know, ‘What are we supposed to do now?”" [Ibid]

It’s probably my bias, but isn’t there some worth to just being able to do what you want for a time? Can’t it be better for the family as a whole?

It’s almost as if children have become more important than family relationships, especially between parents. Without being over-scheduled, families can sit down together for meal(s). Family activities that truly get a family to interact can help fulfill everyone’s emotional and even physical needs (interacting with the family).

Further, the parents who can have more time for themselves instead of trucking the children to the plethora of events has to be a good thing. The overall marriage relationship, which is most important within the family, has to be supported in each other.

Here There Be Whales

I have a rule that I link blogs by family, friends, or friends of the family – no
questions asked. I’ve just added a blog by a friend of the family, Matt Rossi. He’s
a good friend of my sister, but we knew each other before he ever met my sis. I’ll
let Matt explain.

“Back in the day, when my wardrobe consisted almost exclusively of tie-dye and I had my hair long and walked around with a peace symbol necklace around my neck (this was, oddly enough, not more than a decade or so ago), I was friends with a kid named Eric Williams. Eric was a year older than me, was a classic rock fan like me, and he was so pale that when he stood in the sunlight, you got kind of sonogram picture of his heart beating through his chest. Seriously. I think we met in gym class during that first week of school when the gym teachers sat everyone down on the bleachers and paced back and forth, sizing up who was going to be a good gym student, who would be kind of a whiny weakling, and who would just generally not buy into the fact that gym was an integral part of their academic studies. Eric and me…we were in that last group. Or so I remember.”

I don’t remember being sized up, but I do recall meeting in gym class. We were a couple idealistic smartass who were too intelligent and brutally honest for our own good – or safety. 😉

“Anyway, years passed and as happens, I lost touch with Eric. I dated his sister Katie for a good chunk of my senior year of high school, became friends with her, then became sort of not friends with her, then became really good friends with her, and now have the honor of calling her daughter my niece. It’s been kind of a saga is what I’m getting at, here. The last time I saw Eric was at Katie’s wedding, and he had grown considerably from this skinny little pale kid into a not so terribly skinny or pale adult (Katie did this, too…round about her twenties she gained the ability to tan…I think the melatonin gene must just be a late bloomer in this family) who can dance like…well, like I will never be able to dance in my life. Anyway, he and I didn’t get to chat much, but I was impressed with him nonetheless.”

Most of the growing I’ve done since high school is in my gut. :/ When I graduated from high school, I weighed 140 pounds. By the start of my sophomore year of college, I was up to 166. That looked ok on my 5’8″ frame. The problem is I didn’t stop gaining there. I finally peaked at 205. I probably weighed close to that when my sister got married in October of ’02. I eventually started exercising and eat better, got down to 180, bounced back up again, and have been steady at just under 190 for a while now. I bet that’s more than you ever wanted to know about my weight. 😉 Oh, by the way, I’m still pale. My wife is, too. Our poor children will have to be careful to not get lost in the snow. 😉

I appreciate the complement about my dancing. I get that a lot. It’s still kind of weird for a former hard-core wall flower like me to have a reputation for tearing up dancefloors. Sometimes I feel like people are talking about some other guy who’s way cooler than me. Anyhow, Matt has nothing to be ashamed of. He’s done things I’ve never done – never had the guts to do. He’s been in stage productions. That takes guts. Dancing like a nut at weddings is fun, but I doubt it’s as fulfilling as performing for a paying audience.

“This is all back story to say that Katie e-mailed me today to ask if Eric could link to my blog from his. Of course he can, I said, though apparently our opinions are in stark contrast many times. He, for example, is Catholic. I am not. Which has never really been a problem for me in the past, but it makes me wonder if I will soon find myself arguing a lot. I do hope not. I lost my taste for argument sometime in college, when surrounded by Christians of every shape, size, and fanaticism, I discovered I could not win and just decided to set down the sword.”

I don’t anticipate any uncivil arguing. Perhaps Matt doesn’t recall my love of vigorous informal debate. 😉 I won’t shove anything down his or anyone else’s throat, though. I do my best to keep my readers happy and interested without forcing any of my opinions or beliefs on them. Matt’s already contributed an informative comment. Hopefully, he’ll come back and leave more. As I recall, he’s a very funny and intelligent fellow.

I don’t know what Matt’s blog, Here There Be Whales, is about yet, but I look forward to finding out. Maybe if we’re lucky, he’ll post a couple embarassing pictures of himself like I did. 😉