Tag Archives: extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Sitne Salus Extra Ecclesiam?

I can hear the fundies shrieking and hissing about this already…

"Whoever seeks peace and the good of the community with a pure conscience, and keeps alive the desire for the transcendent, will be saved even if he lacks biblical faith, says Benedict XVI."

On a side note, can anyone verify that my title is correct Latin? Instead of "Extra ecclesiam nulla salus [est]", i.e., "Outside the Church there is no salvation", I wanted "Might there be salvation outside the Church?".

Outside the Church There is No Salvation

Jimmy Akin recetly wrote a post about homosexuality and the priesthood. An interesting tangential argument ensued in the comments. The basic gist (for those too lazy to read for themselves) is that there was some debate as to whether Protestants are saved or not. I say they are, others disagreed.

Lo and behold, today's column at Catholic News Agency addresses this topic. Continue reading