Monthly Archives: May 2008

Libertarians at Sea?

A bunch of geeks are apparently trying to upstage the Free State Project.

Silicon Valley Nerds Plan Sea-Based Utopian Country to Call Their Own

“A group of super-rich Silicon Valley nerds are sick of the man keeping them down. That’s why they’re planning to create their own sea-based country made up of floating structures that will be similar to oil rigs, but with houses and offices rather than, you know, oil rig stuff on board. And this isn’t some conceptual plan; they’re looking to have their first prototype in the San Francisco Bay within two years.”

Suing OPEC

House passes bill to sue OPEC over oil prices

“The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday allowing the Justice Department to sue OPEC members for limiting oil supplies and working together to set crude prices, but the White House threatened to veto the measure.”


“‘This bill guarantees that oil prices will reflect supply and demand economic rules, instead of wildly speculative and perhaps illegal activities,’ said Democratic Rep. Steve Kagen of Wisconsin, who sponsored the legislation.”

My guess is that OPEC is charging fair market values. The price of oil is skyrocketing because the US dollar is dying. Compared to the price of gold, oil has stayed level. There hasn’t been any real increase in demand. Until there is, I wouldn’t expand OPEC to increase production. After all, what would they get in return? Certainly not increased profit. In fact, they might lose money in the deal.

Why You Give Me TMJ: WTF?! Wednesday Edition

“Okay, do you understand?”

“….. Yes?…. Yes. I understand now.”

“Are you sure you understand?  You don’t have any questions?”

“I understand.  No, no questions.”

“Okay, because the last seven times I’ve shown you how to do this you’ve said the same thing…”

“No… I understand this time.  I think I just forgot last time.  Too much on my mind.”

“But you won’t forget this time, right?”

“Oh, I’ll remember.  I took notes this time.”

“Okay, great!”

~*two days later*~

“I don’t understand this….”

“But…….I just showed you how to do this two days ago….!”

“….. oh…. Really?!  I don’t remember seeing this before….”

“You don’t remember seeing…. I showed you eight times! Eight! We talked about this two days ago… I said, ‘Do you understand?” and you said “Yes!””

“Oh… this is the same thing? You showed me how to do ~this~?”

“…. Yeah…. You took notes remember?”

“Oh, I remember now!  Yeah, those weren’t notes for this… I was making a grocery list.  Now why is this wrong again?”

And this is why I sometimes think I should hand out applications before interacting with people.  If the above conversation seems perfectly normal to you… I think you’re reading the wrong blog.  If that conversation caused your jaw muscles to clench too (even if just for a second, instinctively), then call me.  We need to take over the world.

“Do you want to form an alliance with me?”

Why You Give Me TMJ: Reason the First

I can understand the connection we all have to technology these days.  Hell, I destroyed my last phone because I left it on “vibrate” on a shelf balancing precariously over a tub of soapy water while doing dishes.  I can even understand not having enough time in the day to do everything you need to do, or talk to everyone you need to talk to, so you squeeze that call in whenever you can.  But really, is it absolutely necessary to talk on the phone while going to the bathroom in a public restroom?

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