Monthly Archives: July 2002


Ahh…the mark of the true redneck.

Call out the Mullitia
Praise or derision: For watchers of hairstyles, that’s the long and short of it

It isn’t every day you can walk down the street and be the object of admiration and derision at the same time. But for people who sport a mullet these days, beware: The eyes of the mullitia are upon you.

For the uninitiated, a mullet is that haircut from the 1980s — you know the one, short on top, tight at the sides and long in the back. Think Billy Ray Cyrus, Lionel Richie and Joey Buttafuoco (their hairstyle, not where are they now).

Addendum: Here’s a bonus article for brave archive surfers who find themselves here.

For ‘mulletheads,’ it’s not just a hairstyle, it’s a lifestyle

Some 20 years ago, mullets freely roamed the Earth without shame and free of rancor.They were badges of honor and rugged, rebellious individualism.

In the modern mullet era, singers Michael Bolton, Jon Bon Jovi and Billy Ray Cyrus not only popularized but exalted the hairdo.

The Boltonian-Jovian Age gave way to the Cyrusian Age. Then, a darkness descended upon the Earth and the mullet fell out of favor, becoming a much maligned and oft-loathed coiffure that exposed anyone who wore it to great ridicule.

Even More on Marriage

There seems to have been a flurry of research related to the study of what makes for good marriages. The results are, I'm pleased to say, in accordance with natural law AND the teachings of the Catholic Church. It's time for the prodigal son (secular society) to come home after learning hard leasons in "the real world".

Couples Who Live Together Split Faster: Report
By Keith Mulvihill

"NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – New study findings show that marriage is indeed a tie that binds–or at least binds a bit tighter than cohabitation without matrimony."

"Couples who live together without marriage are twice as likely to split up 5 years after they move in together than couples who tie the knot, according to a report from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). And similar to past research, the survey found that couples who lived together before marriage were also more likely to split than those who waited until after they got hitched."

"The report is based on a 1995 survey of nearly 11,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44."