Tag Archives: faith


A post-election poll conducted by Zogby International confirmed that American voters have a far broader definition of “moral values” than the far-right would like us to believe. When asked which “moral issue most influenced your vote”, 42% of respondents chose the war in Iraq, while only 13% said abortion and 9% said same-sex marriage.

This is the same Zogby that’s trying desparately to save face after totally blowing the election prediction. Signers of this petition may have been duped.

Right now, neither party gets the values question right. The Democrats seem uncomfortable with the language of faith and values, preferring in recent decades the secular approach of restricting such matters to the private sphere. But where would we be if Martin Luther King Jr. had kept his faith to himself? The separation of church and state does not require the segregation of moral language and values from public life. The Republicans are comfortable with the language of religion and values. But the GOP wants to narrow the focus to hot-button social issues it then uses as wedges in political campaigns, while ignoring or obstructing the application of such values where they would threaten its agenda.

I like the way Jim Wallis thinks. I don’t agree with all of his points in “Neither Democrats nor Republicans have a clue“, but it’s nice to hear another voice in the desert of the center.

Politics From the Pulpit

There are great discussions going on in the comments to these posts, both of which
touch on faith in public life. I encourage those who haven’t done already to hop
in. 🙂

Christmas, ACLU


I’d like to thank all those who’ve been participating. I don’t usually get such
lively debate in my comments. I really think a blog without comments is only half
a blog, so I really appreciate the exchange of thoughts going on. That said, I now
encourage those who enjoy the chatter about the first post to head over to The
Smedley Log, where H2 has expanded his thoughts from the comments
. He deserves
a traffic spike, too, so spread the love. 😉

also has a post related to this topic
, though he was inspired by an essay by
David Brin, not this blog.

Discovering a Season

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. I get so excited that I start listening
to my Christmas music at the beginning of November, much to the surprise and chagrin
of some of my loved ones. This year, I’ve been asking myself what I’ve been getting
excited about. Is it the celebration of Christ’s birth? I wish I could say so, but
the truth is that I’ve been enamored with the secular trappings of the season. Decorating
the Christmas tree, baking cookies, singing catchy tunes, visiting relatives, watching
classic movies, giving and receiving gifts (sadly, mostly the latter), playing in
the snow (in those few lucky winters), and other generally faith-free activities
have been Christmas’ raison d’etre for me.

Continue reading

Foaming at the Mouth

[Minor mistakes of grammar and spelling have been fixed. – Funky]

Theomorph, my resident atheist gadfly, seems to be losing his cool. His latest tirade against Christianity lacks the kind of logical consistency and civility his previous posts had. Continue reading