They Finally Convinced Me

I have Comcast cable internet. When it works, the speed of the connection is great. But there are just too many times when it doesn’t work. Moreover, Comcast has some of the worst customer service I have ever experienced—on the phone, in person, via the web.

But now, with internet usage on the rise, instead of adding more infrastructure or otherwise improving what it offers, Comcast would rather just limit its service. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Time to start looking at DSL.

WTF?! Wednesday: Guest Rant!!

Surprise, surprise… I’m not the only one with a rant!  I’ve had a number of folks contact me about wanting to contribute to a “WTF?! Wednesday” post, or to Reality 101 in general.  Some aren’t comfortable yet with broadcasting their names all over the internet (Can you believe that?  Someone uncomfortable with the thought of their name or information scattered all over the place… the nerve…), others want the lovely shield of anonymity (from?  Who knows… family, friends, colleagues… hell, people can be judgemental, ya know?), and even others just want to let loose and rant.  I say, “Have at it!”   (See the rules below)

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Heroic Disappointment

John McCain went on Leno last night. In reference to a recent gaffe, when McCain couldn’t remember how many houses he owns, Jay asked him, “How many houses do you have?”

Everybody knows that John McCain was a prisoner of war, that he suffered more than five years of imprisonment. Most people, even those who serve in the military, do not experience such terrible things in service to their nation, and McCain certainly deserves respect for what he gave.

But when he responded to Jay Leno last night, he turned that awful time in his life into a trite dodge:

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Bishop to Celebrate Mass for the Catholic Medical Association

For all those Pittsburghers in medicine, nursing, dentistry and other healthcare fields (which is probably a good chunk of the population), please mark this on your calendars:

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mass @ 9:00 a.m., Holy Family Chapel,
UPMC-Mercy Hospital

Bishop David A. Zubik, D.D. – Main Celebrant

Breakfast Program to follow in Sr. Ferdinand M. Clark Auditorium

Speaker: John F. Brehany, Ph.D., S.T.L.
Executive Director and Ethicist, National CMA

Topic: The Future of CMA is Now!

This is run by the Pittsburgh Guild of the Catholic Medical Association. Write to for more information.

A Mascot for the Libertarian Party

Whether we like it or not, there’s a certain amount of marketing involved in promoting parties, platforms, and candidates. It’s occurred to me that the Libertarian Party needs a mascot. The Democrats have a donkey. Republicans have an elephant. The Libertarians don’t have a mascot. I propose a snake. Specifically, it’s the eastern diamondback rattlesnake found in the Gadsden flag.
