Tag Archives: movies

Spoken Like a True Ro-Man

that cheesy movie I mentioned – Robot Monster? Well, a quote from that monstrosity
(pun intended) really stuck with me. Which world leader does this remind you of?

Your people were getting too intelligent. [LAUGHS UNCONTROLLABLY.] We could not
wait until you were strong enough to attack us. We had to attack you first.

What Ever Happened to Fair Use?

This really bugs me. Once I have recorded material in my posession, I should be permitted to do whatever I please with it, provided I don’t violate any copyrights or harm someone (Other reasonable restraints of 1st amendment rights might also apply.).

From Public

H.R. 4586 The Family Movie Act

The provisions were included in H.R. 4077 as passed by the House. The original House version of this bill provided an affirmative right for those who used technology to skip objectionable material, such as profanity, violence, or other adult material, in the audio / video works that they legally purchased. This is a right that most believe manufacturers of technology and consumers already have�regardless of H.R. 4077. The entertainment community has hijacked this provision and turned it against consumers and the tech community. Now, the affirmative right to watch and skip parts of the content that a consumer has legally obtained only exists if certain conditions are met: no commercial or promotional ads may be skipped. Additionally, technology manufacturers must provide a notice at the beginning each showing stating that �the motion picture is altered from the performance intended by the director or copyright holder of the motion picture.� This sets the functionality of the everyday VCR and TiVo on its head.

(Thanks, Jollyblogger)

O Captain! My (Sky) Captain!

I saw Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow tonight. Some critics have been
rather hard on this movie. Church
of the Masses
, for instance, says,

“Inexcusably, Sky Captain has nothing to hold the
viewer’s brain and emotions once the CGI attractions wear thin. The plot holes in
the story are big enough to drop a fifteen story steel robot through. The characters
have no arc. No one changes or grows. So, by the usual definition, there’s no drama

Am I the only person that just had fun watching it? Granted, I’m
a computer geek who enjoyed the effects, but after a while I mostly forgot about
them and was simply entertained. It’s not like I was looking for Casablanca
in CGI. It was like a comic book come to life. It wasn’t realistic. The character
development was shallow. The plot was thread-bare. So what? I think this movie hearkens
back to a time when movies were more often simple entertainment than overblown attempts
at art or relevance. Lighten up and pass the popcorn.