Monthly Archives: July 2006

Reflections on a Homosexual Bible Study (Part I)

Inspired by Funky’s recent exchange with Amba, I’ve decided to share my opinions regarding Christian acceptance of gays.

At the University of Pittsburgh (aka Pitt), in the fall semester of 1999, I attended a bible study series sponsored by the Pitt Rainbow Alliance and lead by Dr. Michael Penn-Strah, a protestant minister from Pittsburgh’s Northside. They used the study book Claiming the Promise by Mary Jo Osterman. I would like to share some reflections of that Bible study that stuck in my mind along with some other intermingled comments. (As a matter of disclosure, I am a Catholic Christian who before and after the Bible study believed that a homosexual tendency is not a sin but that engaging in homosexual sex, even in same-sex “marriage”, is sinful.)

I attended the study for personal as well as “professional” reasons. I was an opinions writer for The Pitt News. There was another writer, Michael Mazza, who always wrote pro-gay columns. I thought that I should balance out his columns with at least one from the other side.

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Not So Lively

Kathryn Lively, long-time keeper of the St. Blog’s Parish Web Ring, isn’t feeling so lively these days.

“I’d given too much thought to starting over again with my writing, and maybe this is the sign for me to do something. My books don’t sell, and every missive to a Catholic organization asking for help has gone unanswered. Well, if you don’t want to read it, why should I write it? Maybe it’s time to consider secular fiction – cuss words and such. Pre-marital relations, blood and guts. Enough people do well by it, and I know I have the ability to do just as well.

I encourage my readers to leave her encouraging comments or, better yet, buy her books. 🙂