Monthly Archives: October 2003

Internet Idiocy

FINALLY, someone feels like I do. Get morons off the net! It’s not a place for your average Grandma or AOLuser.

Are You Too Stupid to Surf?

“A virus fouls your computer and you haplessly pass it on. Advertising software loads stealthily on your machine. Your password gets stolen because of your negligence. The music industry sues you because of something your kids or grandkids did on your computer.”


Gay Divisions Cloud Archbishop’s Visit

“VATICAN CITY – The Vatican told the archbishop of Canterbury as he began a visit Friday that deepening divisions over homosexuality threaten to damage Catholic-Anglican relations.”

The day the Catholic Church accepts openly gay clergy I’ll know that the end times are here. Satan will have made a mockery of the Church.

The Curt Jester Presents: “Liturgy for Ignoramuses”

“Contrary to popular understanding rubrics does not come from the Latin for ‘things to ignore during Mass’ It is actually from the Latin word red and is used to indicate stuff you should actually do!”

American Life League: Statement by Mahony’s Spokesman Shows Malice to Fellow Catholic, Ignorance of Church Doctrine

“WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 /U.S. Newswire/ — ‘Tod Tamberg, Director of Media Relations for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, should immediately resign his post,’ said Judie Brown, president of American Life League. ‘Mr. Tamberg has misrepresented Church teaching and has clearly embarrassed Cardinal Mahony with his ridiculous statements, which also happen to be factually inaccurate.'”

“Tamberg told Cybercast News Service (Conservatives Attack Schwarzenegger on Abortion, Homosexual Marriage — 10-01), ‘The reception of Holy Communion by Catholics is a right guaranteed by the church, not a privilege…’ and he further stated, ‘She’s not Judge Judie, she’s not Bishop Judie, and she’s not Pope Judie. The bishops of the church, with the Holy Father, are the ones who interpret church law.’ Tamberg made these comments in response to American Life League’s Unholy Trinity ad campaign, which kicked off on Tuesday, September 30th in Sacramento.”

“‘The fact is no Catholic has a ‘right’ to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, truly present in the Sacrament of Holy Communion,’ said Brown. ‘No human being is truly worthy of receiving the Sacrament, but a Catholic who persists in promoting a manifestly grave evil like abortion is clearly bringing sacrilege upon the Sacrament when he or she receives it. One need not be the Pope, a bishop or a judge to recognize that Canon Law No. 915 is clear.'”

Livewire: Disgruntled Catholics Connect with Faith on Web
By David Gregorio

“NEW YORK (Reuters) – Disgruntled Roman Catholics in the United States have turned to a wide variety of Web sites for information, ideas and services over the past few years as abuse scandals raged and a clergy shortage shrank the number of parishes. The Internet has also made it easier for Catholics to find everything from pet-blessing ceremonies to a traditional Latin Mass. “

Pope’s declining health worries Vatican
By Tracy Wilkinson

“VATICAN (news – web sites) CITY | These are contradictory times at the Vatican. Amid the joyful bustle of historic celebrations this month is a newly stark anxiety over the health and survival of Pope John Paul II.”

Blood and hair of Mother Teresa sent to Vatican for beatification

“NEW DELHI (AFP) – Relics from Mother Teresa, including her blood and hair and some items of clothing, have been sent to Vatican (news – web sites) to include in elaborate ceremonies for her beatification on October 19, her order said.”