Tag Archives: evangelization

I Loathe PETA

How do you make two awful things worse? Combine them. The result is worse than the
sum of the parts. Jack Chick and PETA. *shudder*

Chick and Chickens: The Strange Connection Between PETA and Evangelism

The flier with the charming title “Your Mother Kills Animals” helps spark children’s imaginations by asking them how they would “feel if someone were to take away their kitty or puppy, stomped on their head, and ripped their skin off their bodies?” The tract ends as many of these public service type booklets do, by leaving the kid with some useful advice: “Keep your doggie or kitty friends away from mommy – she’s an animal killer!”

If you’re like me, you might be wondering who could have devised such a brilliant idea. While I can’t be certain, I know of only one man in America who has the genius to dream up this type of campaign — Jack Chick.

Holy Seduction?

I’m not sure if this is satire or just really wack. Opinions?

Date to Save

Hello, my name is Tamara! As you can probably tell, I’m a Christian woman who loves Jesus Christ and cares for all humans, even the wicked. What you probably don’t know is that I’m hot. My picture below isn’t really that good. I want to use my beauty for GOD, and want to encourage Christian women (my sisters in Christ) to do the same, according to the Great Commission.

So, I created this web page for information regarding the calling of Missionary Dating…Not only can we date hot guys (as only hot Christian girls could do), but hopefully we can lead them to God and help them get saved them from the burning fires of Hell.

The Lord, Hollywood, and Lewis

I nervously await the film adaptation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Will the message be “Disney-fied”? SDG at JimmyAkin.org is worried, too.

Now that Walden Media is at work on The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, Narnia fans are understandably wary. For one thing, as well-loved as these books are both inside and outside the church, they don’t have nearly the huge following of the Lord of the Rings books. For another, the Christian themes in Lewis’s books are so much more blatant than those of Tolkien’s books that the risk of Hollywood subversion and the stakes in the event of such subversion are higher.

Point of View

There's an interesting post on The Dawn Patrol about counterproductive evangelization. Specifically, several Catholics clumsily tried to convert her from Protestantism. I understand the reasoning, but the approach left a lot to be desired. I have a news flash for self-righteous catechism thumpers. Protestants aren't the spawn of Satan. Nor are they doomed to Hell. They are Christians like us, with whom we should work to make the world a better place, rather than treating them like heathens or pagans.

As an ex-Protestant who cares deeply about reuniting the Body of Christ, I cringe at preachy attempts to, as one friend puts it, "upgrade" Protestants. I wasn't so much won over by argument as I was by Christ-like example.

There is a flip side to this, though. Each time a Protestant tries to "free" me from my "bondage" as a Catholic, I get a step closer to beating one with a clue-by-four. The Catholic Church is not the whore of Babylon. We do not worship Mary or the saints. We do not believe works save us. We are Christians just like you. Jack Chick is a moron who spreads hateful lies.

Ya got that?!? Now…The next one of you primates…even touches me…HYA!!! *BANG*

Some Good News

Scandals abound, heterodoxy is rampant, and secularism looms menacingly, but there
is hope left in the Church. There are scores of people converting every year and
they’re not deterred by the bad press the Church often gets. Let’s pray the “immigration”
never stops.

New Catholics
not detracted by abuse crisis, say their faith is holding strong

“The Church has problems that it needs to address, but that didn’t detract me at all from joining…It was a sin committed on the part of a few priests, so we should blame the sinners but not the Church. The Church is a gift to keep us together. We need to look past this and see this as Jesus’ Church.”


“The Church isn’t the priest or the nuns, the Church is the people…It’s time to get rid of the evil and take control. It’s the people who make the Church, and there is no Church with out them.”


“Abandoning the Church is like abandoning Jesus, and He would never abandon us as much as we might sin.”


“Certainly it’s a serious issue and one that need be addressed, but you can get hung up on one issue…For me, the bigger picture is our faith and the Church itself.”