Tag Archives: health

Wack Away a Few Pounds

This guy must be from San Francisco.

Pudgy porkers pare pounds with new wanker’s diet
By Masuo Kamiyama

"Type ‘diet regimens’ into the Google.com search engine, and you’ll get over 40,000 hits. They’ve got the water diet, the high-fiber diet, the drinker’s diet, the high protein diet, the sugar-busters diet and so on, ad nauseam. The fact is, people plagued by persistent weight problems will try anything to lose a few grams. Now Hanashi no Channel (May 1) offers what it claims is an ideal regimen that, while highly economical, improves muscle tone and consumes calories, while contributing to a slimmer figure. It’s the ‘Masturbator’s Diet.’"

Get Up and Get Busy

It’s good to know running does more than strain muscles and hurt your joints.

Run, Don’t Walk to Stave Off Heart Death: UK Study

“LONDON (Reuters Health) – A brisk half-hour walk five days a week might make you healthier, but may not be enough to avoid a premature death from heart disease, British researchers reported on Tuesday.”

Hairy Health

Great, so not only can I not grow a beard, but I’m at greater risk for a stroke because of it. Yay. :/

Men Who Shave More, Live More
By Jennifer Warner

“A clean-shaven face may be the sign of a happy and healthy man. A new study suggests that men who don’t shave daily have fewer orgasms and are more likely to suffer a stroke than stubble-free men”

Best Part of Waking Up

…is Folgers in your rectum?!? Ewwwwww

Coffee Enemas – Description

Coffee Enemas have been used for over a hundred years as a generalized detoxification procedure. Despite rumors to the contrary, coffee enemas are perfectly safe when done as directed. Coffee enemas stimulate the liver and gallbladder to release stored toxins and wastes and liver function is enhanced.