Tag Archives: Establishment Clause

State Religion

A blogger syndicated here, Peter Wall, is upset that an atheist soldier has been the recipient of harassment by Christians in the military. While I agree that such behavior poorly represents Christ to the world and is inexcusable, I’m more frightened and annoyed by this quote from Michael Weinstein, a retired senior Air Force officer and founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

“Our Pentagon, our Pentacostalgon, is refusing to realize that when you put the uniform on, there’s only one religious faith: patriotism.”

The State giveth and the State taketh away. Blessed be the State!


“An Atheist In Our Country Is An Enemy”

Jeremy Hall, a soldier with no religious beliefs is suing the Department of Defense for discrimination based on his irreligion. He said “there is a pattern of discrimination against non-Christians in the military.”

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