Author Archives: Jerry

Pennsylvania Primaries

Everyone gets to vote for the candidate that they want in a primary, but the delegates you elect are the ones who get to actually vote for a presidential candidate in the national conventions. They also get to vote on their parties’ platforms, so even if their candidate isn’t nominated for president, a delegation can still influence the party. On the state and local level, Ron Paul Republicans have made a significant impact already.

In Pennsylvania, you directly elect the delegates you want, so you need to know where they stand. Go here to find out your congressional district and see which delegates are for Paul, and vote for them on April 22. You can also print out sample ballots for each district to bring with to the polling station or to hand out to other people.


Before I drop off the web for the rest of the Triduum, here’s a free, public event in Oakland. More info is here.  I also call your attention to the good things that “Paulites” are accomplishing on the local level here.


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Continuing the Revolution

Okay, odds are pretty good that Obama will be president. Unlike Dean’s flash-in-the-pan campaign of 2004, Paul’s presidential campaign has a genuine political philosophy powering it. I have been amazed at how folks have turned onto his ideas when they are presented well–however, the “presented well” part is the catch, and cutting through the prejudice and bad assumptions takes work. So we need to be patient and keep pushing through. Here are some ideas about what we can do.

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Ron Paul vs. Obama on the War

Obama is often touted as the true Democratic candidate for change in contrast to Clinton and the Neocon Republicans. One such change would then be ending  the war in Iraq and maybe trimming down our overseas empire–this would be a pleasant change, right?

What would you say then if I told you that Obama wants to expand the military?  He has called for 65,000 more soldiers and 27,000 Marines at a time when we are hard-pressed to maintain current recruitment levels, compromising on aptitude, health and criminal backgrounds.

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