Tag Archives: movies

The Lord, Hollywood, and Lewis

I nervously await the film adaptation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Will the message be “Disney-fied”? SDG at JimmyAkin.org is worried, too.

Now that Walden Media is at work on The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, Narnia fans are understandably wary. For one thing, as well-loved as these books are both inside and outside the church, they don’t have nearly the huge following of the Lord of the Rings books. For another, the Christian themes in Lewis’s books are so much more blatant than those of Tolkien’s books that the risk of Hollywood subversion and the stakes in the event of such subversion are higher.

Hidden Impact?

Perhaps the impact of The Passion of the Christ was bigger than I was initially
led to believe
. The Mighty Barrister seems to think the
survey results are biased

“Despite marketing campaigns labeling the movie the ‘greatest evangelistic tool’ of our era, less than one-tenth of 1 percent of those who saw the film stated that they made a profession of faith or accepted Jesus Christ as their savior in reaction to the film’s content.”

Surprised? I was at first, but not once I did a little digging. It turns out that George Barna, “Founder and Directing Leader of the Barna Research Group, Ltd.,” is a born-again evangelical.

Barna’s religious preferences appear to have colored his conclusions, if not the survey’s methodology itself. Take, for example, the last sentence in the quote above. It is almost guaranteed that nearly all of the people who saw the movie were believers in Christ before they saw the movie. He tells us that 53% of the people who saw the movie were “born again Christians,” but he doesn’t tell us how many were Catholics. In fact, the only time he mentions Catholics at all is in a slightly disparaging remark, noting that “Protestants were more likely than Catholics to give The Passion an “excellent” rating (78% versus 68%, respectively),” – and this is mentioned right after he says that the groups most likely to disparage the movie were “atheists and agnostics, homosexuals and liberal Democrats.” We are in fine company.

Fair Use

I’m not a fan of government-imposed censorship and I believe that parents should
take a more active role in what their children watch on TV and movies.

Hollywood is trying on multiple
to eradicate customers’ fair
rights. One of their targets is parent’s right to control what his children

Several months ago, a new
DVD player
debuted which would permit the user to “automatically
skip sexual
content, graphically violent scenes and language deemed offensive”.
Directors are furious and Hollywood wants these machines off the market. If you’d
like to see ClearPlay-enabled
players, like RCA’s DRC232N back
on the market
and protected in the future, please sign the Grassfire
Family Movie Act petition