Tag Archives: internet

Cardinal Wright Oratory Choir CD Preview

A couple years ago I sang tenor in the Cardinal Wright Oratory Choir. The choir was disbanded when the Oratorians stopped using Heinz Chapel for Sunday masses. Before we broke up, though, we recorded several of our best songs for a CD. Unfortunately, the guy that did the recording, mixing, mastering, etc. has been dragging his feet about finishing up. Thankfully, I’ve acquired recordings of two of the songs. Enjoy. 🙂

Leeching and Scraping

Those WordPress users interested in stopping sploggers and their ilk from scraping/leeching their content might like this plugin.

AntiLeech helps prevent content theft by sploggers.

AntiLeech does not prevent the splogger bots from accessing your site. It produces a fake set of content especially for them that includes links back to your site (and mine, too, ok?) and sends it only to them. When they steal this content, it appears online just like normal, except now you've turned the tables on them and have provided them with useless content.

I've been using it for a couple weeks now and am quite pleased. It detected the Pittsburgh News (not to be confused with Pittsburgh Bloggers) user agent and I have instructed it to deliver gibberish to that agent.

What’s Up With Gravatar.com?

I've had to disable the Gravatar plugin I use due to gravatar.com being down frequently. Anybody know what's become fubar over there?

Update 10/08/06:The Gravatar blog explains what the problem is.

A recent 50% increase in gravatar requests has pushed the current server to the limits, and response times have slowed accordingly. I have disabled signup and login while I migrate the database to the Gravatar 2.0 schema and setup the new and improved gravatar servers.

Once Gravatar 2.0 is operational, I’ll re-enable the plugin.