Tag Archives: greed

Soak the Poor

We at the Earth Summit are very concerned about making sure the poor do not breed as much, thus allowing us to maintain our own opulent lifestyle. So drive that BMW SUV, eat your Chilean sea bass, but just be sure to send that check to Zero Population Growth on time to maintain your positive environmental karma! Oh yeah, and blame it all on the United States while you're at it. 😉


Gore's Space-Time Problem
Repeat after me: "A then B then C…"
By Jonah Goldberg

"Over the weekend, Gore explained, once again, that President Bush is responsible for the corporate meltdown. According to Gore, Bush's tax cut created a climate of 'unfettered corporate greed,' which encouraged companies like Enron to collapse. This was a follow-up to his assertion in late June: 'You see now what it means to have an administration that's that committed to fighting and working on behalf of the powerful and letting the people of this country get the short end of the stick.'"

"In short, according to Gore, past events were caused by future acts…"

Save Our Stations

!@#$% DMCA….!@#$% RIAA….

Web Radio Fights for Survival
Webcasters rally against royalty ruling they say will yank many off the Net.
Stuart J. Johnston

The 1970s classic hit “The Day the Music Died” referred to the death of rocker Buddy Holly, but for many Internet radio stations and their listeners, doomsday is October 20.

By then, tens of thousands of Webcasters must pay millions of dollars in back royalties for the songs they stream to listeners online. Already, hundreds of Webcasters are shutting down operations, complaining that the fees exceed their annual revenues. The rates, set by the Librarian of Congress and the Copyright Office, are higher than those assessed to standard broadcast radio. The music labels’ trade organization, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), is unsympathetic.

Piracy-Proof Music

Here's a clever jab at RIAA's greedy, paranoid antics.

Music Industry Unveils New Piracy-Proof Format: A Black, Plastic Disc With Grooves On It

Music bosses have unveiled a revolutionary new recording format that they hope
will help win the war on illegal file sharing which is thought to be costing the
industry millions of dollars in lost revenue. Nicknamed the ‘Record’, the new format takes the form of a black, vinyl disc
measuring 12 inches in diameter, which must be played on a specially designed

“We can state with absolute certainty that no computer in the world can access
the data on this disc,” said spokesman Brett Campbell. “We are also confident
that no-one is going to be able to produce pirate copies in this format without
going to a heck of a lot of trouble. This is without doubt the best anti-piracy
invention the music industry has ever seen.”