Tag Archives: freedom of speech

Some Bans Are Bad

This is what happens when you don’t have a written constitution.

Internet Hate-Speech Ban Called ‘Chilling’
Council of Europe’s Internet restrictions raise uneasy questions about civil rights online.
By Michelle Madigan

“WASHINGTON–As European leaders move to ban Internet hate speech and seek support from the United States, civil liberties groups charge that the proposal would violate free-speech rights.”

What Do We Want? Peace! When Do We Want It? Now!

A regional anti-war protest in Pittsburgh may, organizers hope, draw the sort of attention that yet another march on Washington can�t muster

Anti-War Demonstrations Drew Thousands

"Police said that thousands of people gathered in Pittsburgh on Sunday for a rally to protest the possible war with Iraq, carrying peace signs and chanting "Drop Bush, not bombs" as they marched through the snowfall. "

Day of Action: 5,000 protest in Pittsburgh streets against war in Iraq

"Five thousand people marched slushy streets under a steady snowfall yesterday in the culmination of a weekend of anti-war events in Pittsburgh. "

Protest Photo Journal

Anti-war rally draws thousands
by Erin Nicole Stock

"Yesterday, 75 year-old Pittsburgh resident Caryl Beal set her handbag down on Fifth Avenue, lay down on the sodden cement, and folded her hands together across her body. Beal stayed that way, motionless, for fifteen minutes while snow continued to fall. She was one of about 150 other protestors who participated in the �die-in�, an act of civil disobedience in show of opposition to the war"

Die-in protests war’s dangers

"Following the rally and march, protesters took to the streets, literally. About 75 people braved the cold and took part in the ‘Die-In,’ a demonstration in which people laid in the middle of Fifth Avenue to dramatize casualties of war."

More than 5,000 rally in Oakland streets

"Radical Cheerleaders, an Uncle Sam on stilts, Kiss look-alikes, and a large mother earth were among the 5,000 protesting in Oakland on Sunday."

More than 5,000 march against Iraq War

"The Pittsburgh Regional Anti-War Convergence on the weekend of January 24th-26th saw a range of different events and a diverse group of participants, part of what organizers with the Pittsburgh Organizing Group and Garfield-based Thomas Merton Center called a ‘diversity of tactics.’ Read on for a summary of the different events, compiled by reporters for the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Independent Media Centers. "

Pittsburgh Organizing Group

"Thanks to everyone who participated in the regional convergence! The most credible crowd estimates we’ve seen suggest 3,000 for Saturday’s parade and 5,000 for Sunday’s march! This was by far the largest mobilization for peace in more then 30 years.� After a bit of rest POG will be discussing where the group wants to go.� We will try to keep people up to date.� Solidarity!"

A Peace of Their Minds
The ‘Convergence’ weekend�s anti-war protest events draw thousands
writer: Justin Hopper, Marty Levine, Brian Liberatore and Bill O�Driscoll

"Abbey Casey, 79, of White Oak, surveys the ‘dead’ — about a hundred people lying on freezing, slush-covered Fifth Avenue near Craig Street in Oakland, protesting the possibility of a U.S. war with Iraq. �I�m disgusted by Bush. He should be impeached,� she says. This ‘die-in’ — the culmination of a weekend�s worth of local anti-war activities billed as the Regional Convergence Against War — is Casey�s first protest rally. ‘My uncle was in the first World War — he was gassed,’ she says. ‘My two brothers were in World War II — one didn�t come home. I�ve lived my life. I�d like to see them live theirs.’"

Protesting In Pittsburgh
by Feyler

"We drove from Buffalo to Pittsburgh and arrived late on Friday January 24th. Saturday, we braved the bitter cold and demonstrated outside of the UU Church on North Avenue. Several people had gathered with signs, music and a positive energy. We received several encouraging ‘Honks For Peace’. It was amazing for me to see that the local news media had come over to talk to the demonstrators. I had been used to Peace Demonstrations being completely ignored. "

At Least We Have Freedom of Speech and Press

America has more than its fair share of problems and failings, but we have more freedoms than Europeans, as evidenced by this article.

Report: Sites Missing From Google

"What you get through Google's powerful and popular search engines may depend on where you live."

"A report Thursday from Harvard Law School found at least 100 sites missing from search results when accessing Google sites meant for French and German users."

"Most of the missing sites are ones that deny the Holocaust or promote white supremacy. France and Germany have strict laws banning hate speech, while the United States favors freedom of expression even for unpopular viewpoints."

"The sites themselves were not blocked. But the effect is the same when users cannot find them, said Danny Sullivan, editor of SearchEngineWatch.com."

Evil Church

Why am I not surprised the DMCA is involved?

Church, DMCA, and too many missing links
By Molly Wood

“How scary is the Church of Scientology? Well, I waffled on whether I should even write the column you’re about to read, because I figured I’d get CNET sued just by bringing up the topic. But I couldn’t stay out of the fray. I find it terrifying that any criticism of Scientology is fast disappearing from the Web, thanks to ill-conceived copyright laws and an apparently rampant fear of being sued. “