Tag Archives: deceit


How can you tell a politician is lying? His lips are moving. This piece is particularly interesting since Delay recently accused the Democrats of being desperate.

GOP’s Power Play
Goal of Reforms in House Gives Way To Tough Tactics Party Once Criticized
By Jim VandeHei and Juliet Eilperin

“Nearly 10 years after winning control of the House by vowing a fairer and more open Congress, Republicans have tossed aside many of the institutional reforms they promised, increasingly employing hard-nosed tactics they decried a decade ago, according to numerous lawmakers and scholars.”

BTW, if anyone has links to good DNC BS I’d be glad to look at them. They’re just as full of crap as these guys.

Smith Award?

If the Darwin Awards recognize people kind enough to remove themselves from the gene pool, should there be Smith Awards to recognize people who remove themselves from the workforce?

These people seem to have overlooked one of the key advantages of griping via the internet – anonymity.

‘Bitch Boss’ Remark No Way to Win a Job

“LONDON (Reuters) – One called her boss a ‘bitch from hell’ while another admitted ‘lying through his teeth’ at interview. Both the British job candidates were — not surprisingly — turned down after prospective employers discovered their candid comments on a public Web site.”

Propaganda Machine

The government has been lying to us? Nah….

No Bunker where U.S. Bombs Targeted Saddam

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Baghdad bunker which the United States said it bombed on the opening night of the Iraq  war in a bid to kill Saddam Hussein never existed, CBS Evening News reported Wednesday."

Iraq Hospital: Lynch Rescue Unnecessary

"NASIRIYAH, Iraq – The U.S. commandos refused a key and instead broke down doors and went in with guns drawn. They carried away the prisoner in the dead of night with helicopter and armored vehicle backup – even though there was no Iraqi military presence and the hospital staff didn't resist."

Send In The Clones

Uh-oh, did George Lucas clone a library for Attack of the Clones?

Jedi Archives Clones Long Room, Trinity Attacks

“The above image is a shot of the Long Room Library, Trinity College of Dublin. Or is it? Actually it’s not, it’s an image of the Jedi Archives in the most recent episode of the Star Wars series, Episode II: Attack of the Clones.”

Evil Church

Why am I not surprised the DMCA is involved?

Church, DMCA, and too many missing links
By Molly Wood

“How scary is the Church of Scientology? Well, I waffled on whether I should even write the column you’re about to read, because I figured I’d get CNET sued just by bringing up the topic. But I couldn’t stay out of the fray. I find it terrifying that any criticism of Scientology is fast disappearing from the Web, thanks to ill-conceived copyright laws and an apparently rampant fear of being sued. “