Tag Archives: charity

Supporting the Troops

Whether we support the military actions in Iraq or not, we should support the men and women serving in the armed forces there and elsewhere. PowerBlog! has posted one suggestion for showing that support that involves donating items to troops. I heard of another on the radio recently. It’s called Operation Hero Miles and it "provides a way for you to help our troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan by donating your unused frequent flyer miles."

Gaudete Semper!

In the midst of all the scandal of Communiongate, abusive priests, and rampant heterodoxy,
it’s important to take note of joyful people, events, and ideas. The
Ryan’s Well Foundation
is one of those.

“I was thirsty and you gave me drink.” Matthew 25:35b

I really need to do more for my fellow man than just complain about behavior that
upsets me.

Do you have a joyful story like Ryan’s to share? If so, share it with us in a comment.

Wack On, Wack Off

Does San Fran breed these freaks, or import them?!?

San Francisco Hosts ‘Masturbate-A-Thon’

According to a Yahoo! report (and yes, we’ve asked ourselves if they haven’t got anything better to do down at Yahoo! – like cracking one off – instead of wasting everyone’s time with these tiresome masturbation stories), the event was organised to “help raise funds for the Center for Sex and Culture, and, according to its organizer, provide an outlet for safe sex for those who enjoy pleasuring themselves in a semi-public setting”.

Heal My Sheep

I think this is a brilliant idea and long overdue. And I'm not just saying that cuz I'm uninsured. 😉

Catholic Charities to open clinic
Facility would serve uninsured patients
By Ann Rodgers-Melnick

"Within the next year Catholic Charities plans to open a Downtown medical clinic to serve uninsured patients for free, using volunteer doctors, nurses and pharmacists."