Tag Archives: Anglican

Gone to the Dogs

Ordination of actively homosexual priests is wrong, but at least it’s an issue that intelligent individuals can debate rationally. Having regular pet attendance at communion, however, is absolutely ridiculous. I wonder how widely this practice is considered acceptable by the Anglican hierarchy.

Houses of Worship Are Reaching Out To a Flock of Pets
Purr Box Goes to Communion At St. Francis Episcopal; A Group ‘Bark Mitzvah’

For the first time in 10 years, Mary Wilkinson went to church one Sunday in January. She sat in a back pew at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Stamford, Conn., flipping through a prayer book and listening intently to the priest’s sermon.

The Narrow Gate

It seems many of the world’s Anglican nations have their heads screwed on straighter
than America’s. Since it seems the bad guys are unlikely to shape up or ship ship
out, I’ll just pray the good guys join either the Catholic Church or the Eastern
Orthodox Church.

Anglican Leaders Applaud Primates for Bold Stand Against ECUSA
By Jim Brown
June 1, 2004

(AgapePress) – Overseas Anglican leaders are being praised for issuing a statement that calls on the leadership of the Episcopal Church USA to repent within three months or face expulsion from the worldwide Anglican Communion.


I sympathize with this group well. Sadly, the Roman Catholic Church may someday need their

Group Amplifies Voice of Protestant Orthodoxy

Published: May 22, 2004

“As Presbyterians prepare to gather for their General Assembly in Richmond, Va.,
next month, a band of determined conservatives is advancing a plan to split the
church along liberal and orthodox lines. Another divorce proposal shook the United
Methodist convention in Pittsburgh earlier this month, while conservative Episcopalians
have already broken away to form a dissident network of their own.”

As the Anglican World Turns

Just when I thought things couldn’t get wackier…

bishop sanctioned for marrying partner

Saturday, May 8, 2004 Posted: 9:52 AM EDT (1352 GMT)

“SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) — The Episcopal Diocese of California has sanctioned
a retired bishop for marrying his same-sex partner during a church ceremony in San
Francisco, according to a published report.”