Author Archives: Bitterman

Succor of the masses?

The thing about Nietzschian ethics is, it’s no an easy path. People like to talk big, and brag about how rough and tough they are, but the truth is that the path to the overman is not an easy one to walk. It requires much self-sacrifice and denial. Part of that is recognizing the traps that others fall into and avoiding them. The overman must overcome base temptation.

I still want a chocolate Easter bunny. They’re on clearance at the Wal-Greens for like $1.00! But no, that would be partaking of commercial religion, and of course we all know what a no-no that is. So Nietzsche says I have to walk by, and not get a bunny, and isn’t that just fine for him? I bet he bought the stupid Easter clearance when nobody was looking. It’s 90% off. They’re practically giving it away! But of course I passed it by like the sap that I am, because that’s what a good little overman is supposed to do. And all I can say is, this whole overman thing better be worth it, or I swear to God I am going to be seriously pissed.

Chocolate bunny…


What do you guys eat when you know you want something, but aren’t sure what? Lately I keep thinking that there’s something that I want, but I can’t figure out for the life of me what it is. So I end up eating a bunch of stuff and think, “No, that wasn’t it.” Which isn’t working out for me.

I think it’s french fries. Or maybe donuts. Not cake. I tried that. Possibly lemon squares. Probably not. That’s kind of like cake. But not really.

C’mon, people. Ideas?


I can’t sleep. This isn’t so much what you’d call good. To pass the time and hopefully bore myself into unconsciousness I decided to watch some news on the internet. The last story I saw was particularly enlightening. Researchers in Britain have found that the average person can add about fourteen years to their life if they do the following:

1) Cut back on alcohol.

2) Eat a diet of mostly fruits and vegetables.

3) Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day.

Great research there. Genius scientists of the world, I implore you. Find a way I can live fourteen more years without fricking giving up everything that makes life worth it.

Thanks in advance,



I was thinking about woodchucks recently. Everybody says they can’t chuck wood, but has anybody tested that hypothesis? Maybe they can chuck wood and they just haven’t because nobody has made them. It makes sense. Why chuck wood if you don’t have to? Apparently people will do it because of their blind faith that the woodchucks, despite their names implying that they are indeed chuckers of wood, cannot actually chuck the wood.

They’re all having a great big laugh at us. Oh yes. Believe you me, this is the last time I’m chucking the wood. Let the stupid woodchuck do it next time. Isn’t that what they’re for?