Monthly Archives: October 2007

Good News from Magee

Magee-Womens Hospital has opened a umbilical cord blood bank for either public clinical use or research. This a great boon for raising awareness of a rich, ethically acceptable source of stem cells. Kudos to Magee and Carol Berger for spearheading this, and if you know people expecting to have a baby at Magee, encourage them to make use of this.

National Geographic has a nice little article on umbilical cord blood stem cells here.

A Concrete Way to Help in Iraq

Aside from prayer–which I perhaps should do more often–I have felt great sadness and helplessness when hearing of the plight of Iraqi Christians.

Fortunately, CNEWA has a way for us to help more directly: they has a list of projects to support Christians in threatened parishes and also to help relocate a Baghdad seminary to a more secure location, among others. Check it out, and please give!