
[NOTA BENE: The following syndicated post links to material that devout Catholics will find offensive. I allowed this post to be published for a couple reasons. First of all, I have never shied away from tough or potentially offensive topics on this blog. Secondly, I am a big proponent of open, civilized dialog, and my hope is that syndicating a post linking to P.Z. Myers’ screed would spur the capable apologists in my readership to respond less embarrassingly than the folks who sent hate mail to him. – Funky]

I have nothing more to add. An excerpt:

Wait, what? Holding a cracker hostage is now a hate crime? The murder of Matthew Shephard was a hate crime. The murder of James Byrd Jr. was a hate crime. This is a goddamned cracker.

You’ll just have to follow the link to read the rest.

Catholic blogmaster’s note: Hate crimes are a step away from thoughtcrime. Ridiculous. There was no crime in what the kid did, as disrespectful as it was. There might be a case for suit or prosecution based on theft and/or damage to property. However, that would bring up hairy such as whether the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity can be construed as property of the Church, if only in the eyes of secular law.

5 thoughts on “Cracker

  1. Stuff

    It has taken me several days to decide what to do about this post. I am appalled that a post on a blog which used to be a regular and enjoyable stop of mine on the internet would link to such an offensive piece of anti-Catholic propaganda. And not just link to it, but link in an attitude of support and agreement of the hateful bashing of Catholic belief and shameless (and adolescent) name-calling of faithful Catholics. While the original Fox news story states that the student’s motivation is uncertain, I have read elsewhere that the action was an intentional form of protest against student fees for religious services at the University (read: NOT an innocent misunderstanding, but an action intended to be offensive and stir up headlines). While there is no absolute proof of such information, neither is there any proof of so-called death threats (as in police reports, etc.) against him. This post, as well as the one linked, are entirely one-sided in an attitude against the Catholic Church, and I am extremely disappointed (to say the least) that the “Catholic Blogmaster’s Note” essentially backed up that attitude, suggesting that for a Catholic to be outraged (which I am) by abuse of the Most Blessed Sacrament is inappropriate.

    I understand that perhaps there is no valid secular recourse against the student’s action, but there are better ways to approach the legality of the issue than with a post title and link directly, aggressively, and offensively denying the reality of transubstantiation to which Catholics (like the owner of this blog) hold firm.

    I must say that I have been mildly disappointed in the content of Ales Rarus for some time now, and have been visiting less frequently. I regret to say now that I don’t think I’ll be back again – please consider this my last comment, and don’t bother responding to me here as I will not be back to see it. I will leave you with a quote from the “Imitation of Christ” by Thomas a Kempis:
    “Jesus Christ teaches and inspires us with patience by His practice of it in the Holy Eucharist, in which He is an object of contempt to some, of neglect to others, and of indifference to many, who are but little devoted to God, much to the world, and wholly to themselves; in which He beholds Himself exposed to the unworthy or fruitless communions of so many, whose lives are either decidedly criminal from being spent in the habit and occasion of mortal sin, or, at least, are of no avail to salvation. Nevertheless He suffers them thus, to teach and to induce us to suffer contradictions and injuries in like manner.
    O my Jesus, the Victim of our salvation and of our sins! why should we daily renew by our irreverence, dissipation, and indevotion, those outrages Thou didst receive when dying on the cross, and renew them even in that state in which Thou art pleased to continue that all-atoning Sacrifice. Pardon, O Jesus, pardon the insensibility, coldness, and indevotion with which we have approached the Holy Communion…”

  2. Funky Dung

    “While there is no absolute proof of such information, neither is there any proof of so-called death threats (as in police reports, etc.) against him. This post, as well as the one linked, are entirely one-sided in an attitude against the Catholic Church, and I am extremely disappointed (to say the least) that the ‘Catholic Blogmaster’s Note’ essentially backed up that attitude, suggesting that for a Catholic to be outraged (which I am) by abuse of the Most Blessed Sacrament is inappropriate.”

    I have never shied away from tough or potentially offensive topics on this blog. I am a big proponent of open, civilized dialog. I’d hoped that syndicating Peter’s post (which links to, but does not reprint, the most vile things Myers said) would spur the capable apologists in my readership to respond less embarrassingly than the folks who sent hate mail to Myers.

    I have never said nor implied that outrage is inappropriate. I only pointed out that no crime was committed. I think so-called “hate crime” laws are asinine and a threat to liberty. I don’t find Myers’ statements any less offensive because of that.

    “I must say that I have been mildly disappointed in the content of Ales Rarus for some time now, and have been visiting less frequently. I regret to say now that I don’t think I’ll be back again – please consider this my last comment, and don’t bother responding to me here as I will not be back to see it.”

    I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve been super busy with grad school and baby preparations and unable to write much original content. Consequently, I’ve been syndicating more content. I’m sorry that you haven’t enjoyed what I’ve syndicated. More importantly, though, I’m disappointed that you, as a friend, didn’t express your dissatisfaction via a more personal medium. I’ll be calling, but I decided to reply here so it’s part of the public record along with your comment.

  3. Pingback: Of Atheists and Crackers @ Ales Rarus

  4. Peter

    As Funky pointed out, he did not write the stuff you find offensive. The first stuff you would find offensive was only linked from my blog. Then if you read the comments you would probably find me saying more things that would offend you. So if you want to complain to anybody that some people’s views offend you, then you should complain to me or to PZ Myers, but not to Funky.

    While Funky and I clearly disagree on some stuff, I am compelled to respect his view that people should not hide from offensive ideas, but should confront them.

  5. gbm3

    One thing I like about this blog is that one can find people in general who genuinely want to debate topics with a cool head. The problem with most other blogs is that usually people with the same ideas flock together. Actually, if there is any contention, many other forums have very aggressive and outright hostile commenters.

    One reason why this country (and world) is so polarized is that we don’t discuss with one another like is done on this blog (for the most part).

    Personally, I love going to liberal and atheist (and libertarian) sites to comment.

    Let’s discuss.

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